The Magic In The “Seemingly Ordinary”

June 13, 2023

No ordinary life is ever just ordinary. 

It’s filled with so many moments of loving interactions with the ones you’re closest to and strangers you come in contact with. 

It’s laughing at inside jokes.

Reminiscing over shared memories.

Creating shared memories.

Smiling as you pass a stranger on a sidewalk.

Letting someone pull out of a parking lot into a busy street.

Engaging with the barista while you place your order…the one you only know through these interactions, but they’re enough to bring joy to each of your days.

Celebrating the milestones of your life and the one’s of those you’re closest to.

Holding the one’s you love as they navigate rough waters.

Hear-to-heart conversations that breakthrough misunderstandings and miscommunications, leading to a deeper understanding of each other.

Expanding your capacity to love through your growing ability to not only love and accept yourself more fully, but to do the same for others. 

It’s following the pull, nudge and inner knowing to show up for another, whether it’s your loved one, an acquaintance or a stranger.

All of this is adding to a ripple effect of love into the collective. 


Freeing Yourself From The Guilt & Stress of Honoring A Loved One’s Last Wishes

April 11, 2023

Being bound by a loved one’s last wishes or expectations of them, even when it puts their current life circumstances in great distress (aka “ruling from the grave”).

This can level so much stress on the person who’s trying to honor the wishes of the deceased.

I’ve seen this occur at great financial detriment and emotional stress because the person feels they cannot make the decision that best supports where they are in life. 

They must honor the wishes of the deceased, no matter the cost to the quality of life they’re currently living. 

I’ve seen it show up as deep emotional stress around fearing reproach from the loved when they meet again in the afterlife for disappointing them. 

Financial stress. Emotional stress. Guilt. Fear. Splintered relationships with those who are being impacted by the financial and emotional stress of trying to uphold these expectations. 

All in trying to honor a loved one’s wishes or expectations of them. 

Good hearted people twisted into knots of stress because they fear they can’t fail their loved one even if it puts their current life circumstances in distress.

Or if they make a …


Honoring My Spiritual Mentor & Friend

July 19, 2017

This morning my dear friend and spiritual mentor, Waris Faridi, departed this world to continue his soul work on the next turn of the spiral. He was my greatest living spiritual influence.

We met a little over four years ago at a metaphysical fair where I was selling my book, A Call to the Heart, and he was selling gemstones. He came up to me, was intrigued by the book I’d written, and then immediately jumped into things that went way beyond my scope of spiritual understanding. They resonated. So I listened.

He just let his table go unmanned for quite some time as he engaged in a passionate spiritual discourse with me. This was Waris…spiritual sharing took precedence over EVERYTHING…even the thing that was serving as a source of income for him, his table.

Regardless of where you were in your spiritual journey, if you showed an interest in wanting to learn more, he made this a priority in his life and met you to the degree that you were willing to be met.

For some, that meant he woke up early on Saturday mornings …


What Comes Out When You’re Squeezed? Fear or Love?

June 24, 2017

It’s easy to be positive and loving when things are going our way.

But what about when life squeezes us in stressful ways?

It’s in these moments that we have to decide if we want to be someone who spews love or anger.

However, what often happens is we fail to see this choice and automatically react with frustration and anger.

If we’re not careful, the frustration from this one particular stressor can begin to influence every area of our life, causing seemingly minor things to quickly become major annoyances.

The only way to change the compounding ripple effect of this pattern is to recognize that it was our choice to react to the initial stressor through anger and frustration.

The stressor didn’t cause the frustration (or anger), our reaction to it did. Therefore, the power to respond differently is still in our hands (and always has been).

When we own this choice, we can make a new one. One that has the potential to make peace with the initial stressor.

Or if we’re unable to do that, we can still own how we decided to react to the stressor …