The Magic In The “Seemingly Ordinary”

June 13, 2023

No ordinary life is ever just ordinary. 

It’s filled with so many moments of loving interactions with the ones you’re closest to and strangers you come in contact with. 

It’s laughing at inside jokes.

Reminiscing over shared memories.

Creating shared memories.

Smiling as you pass a stranger on a sidewalk.

Letting someone pull out of a parking lot into a busy street.

Engaging with the barista while you place your order…the one you only know through these interactions, but they’re enough to bring joy to each of your days.

Celebrating the milestones of your life and the one’s of those you’re closest to.

Holding the one’s you love as they navigate rough waters.

Hear-to-heart conversations that breakthrough misunderstandings and miscommunications, leading to a deeper understanding of each other.

Expanding your capacity to love through your growing ability to not only love and accept yourself more fully, but to do the same for others. 

It’s following the pull, nudge and inner knowing to show up for another, whether it’s your loved one, an acquaintance or a stranger.

All of this is adding to a ripple effect of love into the collective. 

Something more powerful than can be quantified in tangible terms.

This is leading to one of the most extraordinary moments the world has yet to see…a tipping point of love in the collective.

The point at which love becomes the governing force, instead of fear.

The world will turn on it’s axis as it shifts from being fear-based to love-based.

Where people unconsciously tuned into fear, they will be effortlessly tuning into love.

All because of the acts of love you (and millions of others) are actively participating in.

Never overlook the power of the contribution you’re making from simply being loving in your interactions with others (and towards yourself).

So many of us overlook the seemingly ordinary in favor of looking for something more grand and exciting to fill us with purpose, meaning and pleasure. 

There’s nothing wrong with desiring more and going for it. 

But let’s not forget to recognize “the grand” in the seemingly ordinary choice to be loving in our interactions with others.

Always Shine Brightly,


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