Embodying Higher Standards For Yourself
My standards have always been high when it comes to interacting with others.
I’ve never wanted to intentionally hurt someone with my words. I, of course, have unintentionally hurt people. And I’ve taken responsibility for it (which is key).
I’ve never been a catty person. Just not my vibe. Never has been. Never will be. And I don’t do snark.
I’ve never allowed an on going relationship to develop with people who have a low degree of consciousness, regarding how they speak to me, themselves, others, or about life in general.
Of course I’ve brushed up against this in meeting friends of friends or people in general, but nothing occurs that allows for this to become a close person in my life.
My relationships do not have drama in them.
There’s never been an on going loop of drama that repeats itself. It just doesn’t happen.
If someone gets hurt, we talk about it to get clarity on what occurred and why it occurred.
We resolve it.
Or, if I notice myself getting my feelings hurt, I look at what’s going on inside me to perceive getting hurt.
And I …