Knowing Peace Is Within Your Hands

March 28, 2023
Personal Responsibility

This is something key to understand and remember if you desire to create peace in any situation or dynamic that occurs in your life…

Your emotional state is NEVER about what someone else did or didn’t do to (or for) you.It’s not about what has or hasn’t occurred in your life.

Instead, it’s about what you believe to be true about those events and circumstances.

The beliefs you hold about yourself and life in general are projected onto the person, relationship, situation and circumstances to create how you feel about what has happened.

Which means you hold complete power over your emotional state…even when you give that power away.

Your act of giving it away by feeling at the mercy of whatever has occurred is still created by you.

Granted, this is done at an unconscious level and you shouldn’t judge yourself for doing so.

But, hopefully, in recognizing you’ve held the power the entire time, you consciously choose to apply it more wisely to your own experience.

We create our emotional experience based on where we’re coming from.

If we’re coming from a lack of self-love or self-esteem, or …


There’s Power, Peace & Purpose In Understanding Your Reactive Nature

January 31, 2023
Personal Responsibility

I value space in my life. 

Space to contemplate. 

Space to move slowly. 

I don’t like to rush or to feel frantic. 

I don’t want to be buried under unprocessed thoughts about situations or relationships.

This is what leads to mounting stress. 

Inner and outer space allows me to process what occurs in my life as it happens versus getting buried under unprocessed incident after another. 

Space also allows me to meditatively think about lots of interesting things from the specific framework I see life through. 

I look at a variety of things, from micro everyday occurrences to the macro events occurring in the world, from this particular lens. 

These types of thoughts aren’t stressful. 

They’re not bogged down by emotional baggage. 

They’re contemplative. 

Space slows down our reactive nature because we have time (space) to see things from multiple views (which is also the extension of grace), instead of reacting from a singular view that’s trapped in stress, fear and worry….or some triggered insecurity. 

If your inner space is densely packed with stressful, worrisome, fearful thoughts, there’s not a lot of space to see and process your own, reactive nature. 

With no space or understanding …


Decoding Inner Peace

January 24, 2023
Personal Responsibility

When it comes to inner peace…

It’s not that I’m completely outside of something bothering me or getting reactive, it’s that I have the wherewithal to understand why I’m bothered/reactive and I have the capacity to take responsibility for my own inner peace. 

When we don’t have (or value) self-awareness, we feel completely identified with our reaction or our “reason” for reacting the way we did. 

We feel righteous about it. 

We defend our position. 

We attack when we feel threatened. 

We mount resentment as we accumulate grievances. 

All of which mount and accumulate because we feel righteous in defending our perspective…a perspective that feels deeply rooted and unmovable. 

But what if perception was malleable depending on our capacity to understand our own nature and that of others?

What if we loosened our righteousness by being willing to see our own position, perspective and perception differently?

What if we were willing to extend grace to others for wherever they may be coming from in their reaction, perspective and perception of the situation? 

This mitigates a defensive reaction and opens up space to see from multiple perspectives. 

Space to see where …


Your Job Is To Express The Desires Of Your Heart

November 3, 2020
Personal Responsibility

When something lives in your heart yearning to be expressed, your job is to birth it.

That something has been placed in your heart to give to the world in some way, shape or form.

God has tasked you with its unique expression.

But it requires your willingness to identify, understand, process and shift ALL THAT ARISES as to why you can’t or shouldn’t do it.

The “who do I think I am to be, do, create, express ______.”… 

“Someone like me doesn’t create, express, do or have things like that”…

“I can’t because this, that and another is keeping me from making time for it”…

“It’s selfish of me to take time away from _____ to do _____.” thoughts must be cleared so your energy is fully aligned with the thing you’re meant to express.

And this basic alignment stems from believing in yourself, knowing the things in your heart have been placed there for a reason, and you expressing them is of HIGH SERVICE. 

If you don’t believe in yourself, doubt has ample room to take root.

If you don’t believe the things in your heart have been placed …