The Cutest Pic Inspired Me!

January 23, 2024
Follow Your Heart

Something I love to do in January is get dates on the calendar for things I desire to manifest in the coming year, especially fun weekend getaways and trips with my girlfriends and other things of this nature. 

With so many schedules to juggle, nailing down dates in January really helps ensure these things happen!

Last week we nailed down dates for a weekend getaway in April and a fun gathering I want to host…

The backstory:

I’ve had a couple bottles of fancy champagne I’ve been saving for an intentional moment, for over a year.

I knew I wanted to share them with a handful of my closest friends, but I didn’t have a full vision for how I wanted that to look until my mom and I were browsing through an antique store a few weeks ago and I landed on this picture that inspired a fuller vision!

When I saw the picture, inspiration started to flow around how I’d like the party to look and feel. 

Little details started to drop into place formulating a cute, dainty, garden like party vision…and I knew this is what I wanted to present to my girlfriends as an idea.

I was ecstatic when they were on board with the idea and showed excitement for it! 

They each immediately started to think about what they wanted to wear…I couldn’t have asked for a better response!

I still have lots of planning to do, but I see this as the creative expression of the desire that wants to unfold.  Eek, I’m so excited!!

I also want to create more core memories with my niece and nephew so my mom and I are brainstorming ideas with a few that we for sure want to do (one of which includes elephants!).

I’m sharing these ideas to inspire intentionality around the ideas that come to you and to inspire intentionality around purposefully creating core memories with your loved ones.

I could have easily let the idea of hosting a themed party pass through my awareness without doing anything about it. 

I could have left it at “that would be fun to do” and never taken action on it.

I could have continued to live vicariously through people who do fun stuff like that on Instagram and never act on making it a reality in the life I’m living.

In the big scheme of things, it’s an easy, fun idea to act on. It just takes a little effort and intentionality. 

I encourage you to pay attention to and grab a hold of the ideas that come to you that you may have a habit of discounting because it doesn’t fit what you’ve done in the past or feels like something other people do but not you.

If it lights you up in some way, do it! It’s your heart wanting to express itself!

I believe there are tons of small scale things we can add into our life with intentionality that easily elevates our experience through the creation of core memories. 

These ideas break us out of the “same-o, same-o” and create something fun and different, which creates memories that standout from others.

I encourage you to open up to the ideas that come to you and begin acting on them! 

See where they take you, knowing it’s your heart’s desires unfolding!

Always Shine Brightly,


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