Soul Alignment

August 15, 2023
Follow Your Heart

In 2006, I went to Costa Rica for a couple months to study Spanish and explore the country. 

Life immediately slowed down and I loved it.

I thought, “this fits me”. 

I’d been working a corporate job that felt the opposite of this. 

I didn’t know it at the time, but I was relating to my soul energy without feeling the pressure of societal conditioning that presumes we can’t slow down and be okay or good enough.

My life has been designed around the slower pace ever since.

I don’t resonate with the hustle and bustle…the constant rush, stress, overwhelm etc. 

I’ve never felt driven by the fear of not doing enough, not grinding or hustling enough to be enough (which is also why I’ve never experienced burn out).

Anytime I’ve bumped up against this energy, it’s always felt like something I wanted to avoid getting entangled with (this is my soul navigating me into my particular alignment).

But so many people are caught in the belief that they must grind, hustle…Do More…to feel good, worthy, enough, deserving, etc.

And they’re burning out.

Being run by fear…

…fear of time running out…

…fear of not doing enough to be worthy…

…fear of what others will think (judgment/societal conditioning)…

…fear of not proving oneself and…

…fear of failure, to name a few.

We live in a world that’s generally conditions us against our soul nature. 

So it’s up to us to figure out what aligning with our own soul nature entails.

For me, that’s living life at a slower pace, not being caught in the hustle and bustle or stress and overwhelm. 

But this isn’t the answer for everyone. Some people are designed to thrive in stress (Hello, ER doctors, nurses and first responders!).

But none of us are designed to burn out.

So, even if you’re meant to thrive in high stress or just a generally faster paced life, you’re still not meant to be run by the fear of not being enough as you are.

You’re not meant to run on the the fear of time running out, not doing enough to be worthy, what others will think (judgment/societal conditioning), not proving oneself, failure, etc.

This isn’t about putting the slow life above the fast paced life. 

One isn’t better than the other and both are needed, depending on the person and their unique purpose.

It’s about understanding what speaks to your particular soul – beyond the layers of fearful conditioning – and aligning with that.

It’s about understanding what your soul desires to do (came here to do) beyond the fear of…

…not doing enough to be worthy…

…what others will think (judgment/societal conditioning)…

…needing to prove oneself and…

…fear of failure, etc.

It’s about freely expressing from our soul versus some idea that we are lacking something that needs to be made up for.

Though the slower life speaks to my soul, I’m not here to say slowing down is “the answer”. 

I’m here to represent aligning with what speaks to your soul free from fear.

And living out of the fear of not doing enough to be enough isn’t serving the person who’s designed for the slower paced life or the fast paced life.

I’m here to encourage you to ask yourself what soul alignment looks like for you.

I’m here to encourage you to have the courage to align with what makes sense for you even if it goes against the predominant conditioning of the world. 

I’m here to encourage you to nourish your own soul alignment, which always entails piercing through the layers of fear that keep you from more freely knowing, aligning with and expressing from your soul.

You can live a fast paced, high pressure life without burnout when you do it from soul alignment and soul nourishment…when it’s what your soul is designed to do.

Most people burn out because they’re living out of alignment with what’s right for their soul… 

…either in the underlying fearful drivers (trying to prove one’s worth, not recharging properly) or they’re avoiding listening to their soul’s yearning to slow down (without sacrificing their sense of worthiness).

I happen to be someone who likes space in my life, who doesn’t want to feel rushed, overwhelmed or like I have a million tasks, responsibilities and pressures to manage.  

So I’ve designed my life, accordingly. It’s simply what feels right for my soul.

When it comes to being an example to calibrate to, this is what I represent…but not at the exclusion of you aligning with what’s right for you and your soul nature.

The more we understand these differences in each other, the more we’re able to respect people choosing differently than what we’ve chosen.

The predominant conditioning usually has the perspective of feeling righteous about our personal choice (if we’re proud of it/conditioned for it) and judgmental towards those who choose differently.

Let’s start valuing the individuation of soul alignment and let the rest go. 

And, also, let’s be mindful of not getting caught in feeling righteous about choosing soul alignment over someone who hasn’t begun to value that yet.

Basically, let’s “run our own race” and let others “run theirs”.

Always Shine Brightly,


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