You Are So Powerful

June 21, 2022

When you have a desire in your heart and all the scary “what ifs” arise (as they will), you have to ask yourself if you value your desire over the fear that surrounds it?

And when you decide for your hearts desires (as I hope you do!), you need to put a plan in place for handling your anxious thoughts.

Or you leave yourself open to abandon ship when things feel uncomfortable.

The best way to do this is to create affirmations (which turn into core beliefs) that support the direction of your desires…or else the direction of your fear has ample room to take over.

Most let the river of fear take over simply because they do not see another way.

You consciously build another way. Preferably before fear has a chance to set in.

You have the power to direct your mind.

You may not be accustomed to it (yet).

You may not be practiced at it (especially under the pressure of fear, doubt or worry).

But you can be.

It’s like any other skill…

You learn the basics of it. (Write, read and believe in and embody affirmations …


The Power Has Always Been In Your Hands

June 14, 2022

When it comes to believing in yourself or not believing in yourself, it’s often the difference between what you heard (or didn’t hear) when you were growing up.

Maybe you heard supportive “atta girls” or “atta boys”.

Maybe despite the atta girls or atta boys, one comment from someone you trusted to know what was true and what wasn’t said something that discouraged your self belief.

Or maybe you were one of the rare souls who just knew, despite what you heard, whether it was positive or negative, that you were good enough to have, do, pursue and be what you set your mind to.

I grew up in the most loving environment but I still absorbed discouraging comments from people outside of my immediate family that I trusted.

And, in doing so, I handed over the keys to my confidence and worthiness in certain areas of my life, believing their opinion was correct.

This happens in a million different ways for the majority of us.

And it’s up to us to change whatever it is we took in that does not serve us.

There’s no need to blame whoever …


Let’s Work Together!

June 7, 2022

We often have belief systems that don’t support us in following our heart’s desires which makes following our heart feel scary or even impossible.

This often keeps us stuck in our current circumstances.It keeps us in a state of following the path we think we should instead of the true path we desire.

It keeps us in a state of dreaming about what could be instead of living that version of our desires.

But what if there was a way to see the world that DOES support you in believing in and following your heart’s desires?

What if there was as way to help you change how you interact with your experience that supports you in designing your life around your heart’s desires?

How you see the world (your belief system) and how you interact in the world (the energy that backs your actions) can all be consciously chosen such that it supports the way you desire to see and interact in the world.

I’m here to help you develop and adopt a belief system and a way of energetically interacting with the world that supports you in designing your life around your …


You’re Meant To Do What You Long To Do

May 17, 2022

When something lives in your heart yearning to be expressed, your job is to birth it.

That something has been placed in your heart to give to the world in some way, shape or form.

God has tasked you with its unique expression.

But it requires your willingness to identify, understand, process and shift ALL THAT ARISES as to why you can’t or shouldn’t do it.

The “who do I think I am to be, do, create and express ______.”… 

“Someone like me doesn’t create, express, do or have things like that”…

“I can’t because this, that and another is keeping me from making time for it”…

“I’ve tried and it hasn’t worked in the past”…

“It’s selfish of me to take time away from _____ to do _____.” thoughts must be cleared so your energy is fully aligned with the thing you’re meant to express.

This alignment stems from believing in yourself, knowing the things in your heart have been placed there for a reason, and you expressing them is of HIGH SERVICE. 

If you don’t believe in yourself, doubt has ample room to take root.

If you don’t believe the things in your heart …