Purifying Acts of Kindness & Service

April 2, 2024
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

Can you do something without attaching to the fruits of your labor?

It’s not always easy, but it is required as you move down a path of awakening.

Purification is the name of the game the deeper you go into a spiritual awakening.

You’re purifying all motives (any micro movement that occurs in you) from wanting something out of whatever you’re doing.

The part of you that wants something out of what you’re engaged in is ego

It wants to sustain itself through attachment to feedback, results, being thought of positively, etc. 

And this can get really nuanced when you’re acting from kindness, under the guise of wanting to help another.

It can be a major blindspot when you believe in a story about doing it for the other person, but get frustrated when your help or kindness isn’t received as intended.

Your frustration feels justified because you’re doing this for them.

Add in a dose of fear regarding them continuing on the path they’re on, whether it’s a health journey, general life journey, emotional journey, spiritual journey, financial journey or any kind of journey, without applying your help or receiving your kindness and your frustration becomes amplified.

This is attaching to the fruits of your labor. 

However, you likely feel this attachment is justified, because it’s for their own good.

This creates a self-righteousness in your stance…a belief in your rightness about what’s best for them. More frustration. More fear.

The truth is your motives need to be purified from your ego’s desire to gain from the interaction.

Only then can you truly come from your heart, free of wanting something from the act of engaging with this person.

Before this purification, you (through your temporary identification with ego) are seeking peace through the other person responding well to your help/kindness…through them changing in accordance with want you want to feel at peace. 

This is a conditional peace. And it involves “a lot of you” in act meant for another. 

To purify your motives, you have to let go of your attachment to their response to your kindness/help.

You have to let go of your “need” for them to change and give them space to respond in whatever way they do.

You don’t let go of your belief in their potential but you let go of your attachment to needing them to step into what you see as their potential. 

You accept the choice(s) they make without it having an impact on your peace by trusting in their path. 

Trusting in it’s unfolding and the learning that’s occurring, whether it meets your timeline or not

You let go of your need for them to be on a timeline that gives you peace.

Only then can you move from the purest impulses of your heart.

You don’t shut yourself off from what wants to flow through you as an act of service. 

You just release your attachment to what comes of this expression.

This creates the clearest channel for Love/God to flow through when and however It desires to do so.

These acts are pure when nothing is wanted from the act.

Remember, justification, attachment, rightness, frustration, fear, seeking temporal peace are all functions of ego.

When they’re at play, more purification is available. 

The process of awakening is getting better and better at spotting where this is occurring and working on releasing our attachments to those movements.

It becomes a subtle process of noticing and releasing…over and over again until we become more habituated at coming from a purer space of Love (true peace, acceptance, trust, grace, non-judgment, perfect forgiveness, etc.).

This is the process of dissolving our temporary identification with ego into the awareness of Love.

At a certain point we anchor in the awareness of Love and act from it consistently, without interval.

Until then, this is the process, where every movement becomes purer and purer. 

Always Shine Brightly,


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