Creating Agreements Based In Your Hear’s Guidance (not what you “should” do)

February 13, 2024
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

If you find it difficult saying No to requests (whether this happens across the board or only in certain situations with certain people)…

Or if you’re a recovering people pleaser who automatically says No from an aggressive, protective place, fearing you’ll fall back into people pleasing…

I created The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power to help you:

~ CONFIDENTLY, POWERFULLY and PEACEFULLY agree to what you desire to agree to and just as easily say No to the things you want to say No to (how freeing does this feel?!).

~ Create relationship dynamics where you feel like you have space to say No (ahhh, what relief!)

~ Say, what you need to say, when you need to say it…all without contracting!

Can you imagine no longer seething over agreeing to things you don’t want to agree to because you feel the power to express how you truly feel about it?

No more shrinking from saying how you truly feel about the request.

No more feeling trapped in an obligation to say Yes.

No more feeling like No is never truly an option.

No more fearing someone being mad at you or disappointed in you.

No more feeling like the other person dominates the relational dynamics, but, instead, feeling equal power in the relationship.

(It’s not about learning how to become the dominant person; it’s about each person feeling equal power in the relationship).

I created The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power to empower you to tune into your heart and follow what you truly desire to say Yes or No to.

Not from a space of feeling like you have no choice.

Not from a space of feeling like you “should” say Yes because it’s what a “nice” person does.

And not from a predetermined No as a form of self-protection from feeling like you’ll fall back into people pleasing (this is for the recovering people pleaser).

But from a space where your heart truly leads the way, whether it’s a Yes or a No.

Can you feel how good that would feel?!

The guide helps you uncover the underlying dynamics that have been causing you to feel like you couldn’t say No.

This process is designed to break up unconsciousness such that these patterns become easily recognizable and transformed.

This is how you return you own power back to yourself.

It’s the process I’ve been using in my own life for the past 13 years.

I don’t live buried under patterns that cause prolonged emotional turmoil because I know how to address what causes these feeling in my experience.

I’m able to return to peace, instead of remaining at the mercy of these unconscious patterns.

This is a powerful state to live from. 

It means your internal state can always be managed by YOU. 

This state is available to each of us. 

We just have to learn how to understand and transform our unconscious patterns. 

I show you how to do this in my guide. 

It’s “coaching in a box”, offering you a powerful way to see through the things that are temporarily binding you.

As someone who recently purchased the guide shared with me: 

“I wish I had these tools over 40 years ago. I was taught to respect your elders from birth, no one taught me to respect myself. Thanks Shanna”.

You can purchase a copy HERE.

Always Shine Brightly,

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