Be The Rare One

August 22, 2023
Personal Responsibility

Most people want change.

But they don’t want to put the work in.

Be the rare one. 

The one who starts and follows through…

And reaps the benefits.

Back in 2011, when I first read and studied A Course in Miracles, I dedicated 2 hours a day, 5 days per week to reading it, until I finished it over two months later. 

(And then I started it again). 

I was self-led. 

I didn’t wait to join a study group and go at their pace. 

I just did it on my own. 

I started and I stuck to it, not knowing where it was leading.

And it changed my life. 

There’s “before” reading it and “after”. 

I plan to live in the chapter of “after” for the rest of my life. 

That’s how powerful this choice and commitment was for me.

This isn’t about reading A Course in Miracles. 

That was just “my thing” to commit to. 

It’s about committing to “your thing” that’s going to create change for YOU.

It’s about being dedicated to change and transformation in the ways that are meaningful to you, so your life feels better.

But if you’re interested in understanding my personal transformation (how I live in the chapter of “after having read A Course in Miracles”), I poured it all into writing A Call to the Heart.

A Call to the Heart captures my journey into deeper:

-Self-acceptance & Self-love (the basis for any personal transformation)

-Acceptance of others (healing triggers and general dysfunction in relationships)

-Worthiness (understanding the true roots of our own worthiness and believing in it)

-Peace/Calm/More Love

By addressing:

-Feeling emotionally hurt (without blaming, attacking others and/or holding grievances)

-What causes unworthiness/lack (and no longer living in these old stories and interpretations of what we believed happened to us)

-Understanding our perceptions (most people confuse cause and effect in our perception…I share what “rights” our perception)

-Taking self-responsibility for our internal state (how we feel, the meaning we assigned to things, etc.)

Amazon currently has A Call to the Heart listed at $8.44 (Kindle version available as well).

The time I spent committed to reading A Course in Miracles (i.e. “my thing) was an investment that I’ll reap the benefits from the rest of my life.

Be willing to invest yourself in things that will alter the course of your life in the best way possible…

…things that grow you as a person…

…things that improve your relationship with yourself and others in ways that alleviate frustration, anger, guilt, bitterness and resentment…

…so you can live your life with greater ease, flow and lightness.

Be the rare one who commits to investing in what’s going to make these types of differences in your life.

A Call to the Heart is one source. If it doesn’t “call” to you, stay open to what does.

Always Shine Brightly,

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