When You Feel Squeezed, What Comes Out?

July 11, 2023
Personal Responsibility

Reclaiming personal power is about understanding all the ways we self-sabotage our belief in ourselves (our worthiness, faith, enoughness, confidence, capability and value).

It’s about having a base level understanding of how to come back to center (or hold our center) when things attempt to take us out.

If we don’t understand how to do this, things get the best of us.

When we feel “squeezed”, we become reactive…things set us off and we attack, blame, resist, fight against and hold grievances.

We feel irritable and we react from that irritability by being moody and aggressive (or passive aggressive) towards loved ones, team members, strangers, etc. 

We self-indulge in pity parties or numb through binging Netflix, eating junk food, having a drink, etc.

We regret saying what we said (or how we said it). 

We get down on ourselves, which further indulges our downward spiral.

We live with a background of simmering frustration and self-judgment.

All because we don’t know or see another way!

But there is another way…

It won’t immediately release you from being triggered or trigger-able.

But it will help you understand why you’re triggered.

It will help you see the situation in a way that reduces the sense of feeling triggered.

With time and practice, the trigger can completely dissolve or, at least, become much more manageable.

But it takes understanding the entire situation through greater self-awareness.

You have to increase your awareness of both the symptoms and the root-cause.

Awareness of the symptoms cues you to pay attention to the unconsciousness that’s trying to take over in the form of a reaction.

Awareness of the pattern and its root-cause helps you turn the unconscious pattern into consciousness. 

All of which requires you to take responsibility for your part in believing in and reacting from the unconsciousness.

Which then requires your conscious decision to remove your belief in it as a way to discharge its potency.

The tool of self-awareness and understanding the alternative choices available to you allows you to do this.

But to do this, you need to know what to become aware of, as well as what alternative perspectives are available to you.

This has been the primary focus of my work for the past 12 years. 

And it started with writing A Call to the Heart, where I share the exact moments I began to take radical self-responsibility for how I felt about anything and everything that created a reaction in me.

This is not to say I’ve dissolved my reactive nature because I haven’t. But I have a deep understanding of it such that I take responsibility for it and bring myself back to center when my reactive nature gets the best of me. 

I don’t get stuck in patterns of blaming someone else for how I feel.

Nor do I get stuck in patterns of holding grievances against others for how I feel.

And because of this, I don’t live in a space of attacking another for causing me to feel a certain way. 

(Forms of attack include: snapping at them, being passive aggressive, verbally venting about them to someone else, internally seething over the situation, etc.).

Instead, I take responsibility for the unconscious idea I was believing in that triggered my reactive nature. 

I may still get upset and spin myself into a tizzy from temporarily believing in the unconscious idea that has me frustrated, but I get a handle on it and take responsibility for it. 

And I apologize to anyone who may have been at the receiving end of my reaction if it comes to one.

Many people are stuck in patterns of disharmony where blaming, attacking and holding grievances are simply normal.

This isn’t healthy for you, the other person or the planet overall.

But becoming aware of these patterns in yourself and doing something about them directly impacts how you feel about yourself and life in general.

It changes the energy you bring to the world. And this impacts those you interact with and the world at large. 

My work has been dedicated to changing these patterns by bringing awareness to them and offering an alternative perspective.

A Call to the Heart (my book) is one of the best ways to gain an understanding of how these patterns work and to see the alternative perspectives that are available…perspectives based in peace, love, joy, compassion…all of which are a reclamation of personal power. 

Even if you just want to dip your toes into understanding how these patterns work, A Call to the Heart gives you an opportunity to come along with me on my journey as I began to examine my everyday experiences from these timeless perspectives based in a deeper understanding of who and what we truly are at our core essence.

Amazon currently has it listed at a wonderful price…only $9.46! 

If you picked up a copy years ago when it first came out, thank you! I hope it served you well!

If you know of someone else who could benefit from it, please let them know about it…especially since it’s only $9.46 right now!

May we each do our part to move through the world more centered in our own personal power, peace, love, joy and compassion.

Always Shine Brightly,


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