Calibrating Your Sense of Belonging

May 23, 2023

You belong at the table. 

What table? 

Whatever proverbial table you desire to be at. 

But you have to first give yourself permission to be at the table. 

Then, take your seat.

Let your presence be present. 

Don’t shrink it down wondering if you should be at the table. 

Take your seat. And let your presence expand to its full capacity. 

Relax in your own presence. 

Allow yourself to show up in your most confident, expanded state. 

This may take practice. 

But get yourself to the table, in your seat, so you can practice taking up space. 

Calibrate to knowing you belong at the table. 

Reflect on how you react to being in this new space. 

Notice the contraction, if there is one. 

See if you can relax the contraction and anchor into belonging in the new, desired space.  

Get your energy to a zero point of calm belonging. 

Then, feel into how you desire to show up and contribute. 

See what comes up as a hesitation. 

Look at it. Shift it in the moment if you can or reflect on it in hindsight. 

But keep calibrating to belonging “at the table” or “in the new space”. 

Keep doing this until the calibration locks in and the sense of belonging is no longer questioned. 

Empowerment is not about waiting for someone else to say it’s okay for you to be at the table. 

It’s about claiming your spot by believing you belong there and bringing your belonging with you (as Melanie Ann Layer would say).

This is YOU giving yourself permission to be where you desire to be.

So often we keep ourselves locked out of possibilities, because we write them off on the assumption we don’t belong. 

We think, “It’s not who we are. It’s for people like ‘that’ and ‘I’m not that’”. 

But these are just disempowered beliefs we’ve decided can’t be challenged, so we remain limited by them.

Empowerment is about choosing from a belief in possibility.

Our belief in possibility opens us up to a fuller spectrum of choices available to us.

If you want to be at a certain “table”, you have to, first, believe you belong there.

The work of calibrating your sense of belonging will likely require shifting some ideas you have about how you see yourself and what’s possible for you.

But that’s just part of the process of aligning with who, what and where we desire to be.

I personally desire to be at the “table” where discussions about humanity’s awakening, our spiritual journey, personal power, self-belief, emotional intelligence and inner peace are occurring. 

And, so, I take my seat.

I hope you do the same for whatever “table” you desire to be at. 

Always Shine Brightly,


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