Empowerment Is A Choice

May 16, 2023

Have you ever come across something that just stops you in your tracks and instantly changes how you see things?

Years ago I was scrolling through my newsfeed when I saw Amanda Frances post to following simple, yet profound statement:

Confidence is a choice. 

I’d never thought of it that way. 

It seemed like something you either had or you didn’t have. 

You’d either gained confidence through your life experiences or you hadn’t (which is quite a limiting perspective to come from).

Seeing it as a choice changes things. 

It empowers you to choose it, whether you have a history of feeling it or not.

It empowers you to take control of the energy you embody and exude by consciously stepping into the energetic qualities you desire to feel and express. 

It empowers you to look at and shift whatever is keeping you from choosing your desired internal state (in this case, confidence) so you can embody it.

We’re NEVER at the mercy of a disempowered state. 

It may feel like it, but that’s often because we haven’t learned to see where choice exists in, well, all.of.our.choices

Which is the entire point of empowerment. 

It’s to see another choice where you previously didn’t. 

It’s to expand your spectrum of options by no longer limiting yourself to the state you’ve become accustomed to. 

The more conscious you become to both the choices you’re making AND the alternatives that are available, the MORE EMPOWERED you become to make a new choice. 

Confidence is always an available choice.

It doesn’t require permission or proof of worthiness to choose it, which appears to be the case prior to seeing it as a choice. (Worthiness is a choice, too).

It just requires you to claim it and behave accordingly. 

Part of claiming it might require you to shift some ideas about yourself and/or about how life works for you. 

But that’s still within your control and wherewithal to shift these ideas. 

Whatever it is you desire to embody, you have the power to tap in and work with your own energy.

You have the power to change how you see yourself. 

You have the power to adjust your own self-image to support what it is you desire to do, be and create.

You have the power to change your belief system to one that supports you in believing in what it is you desire to embody and express.

You have the power to change how you experience life by changing how you show up…the energy you embody, the thoughts you think, the beliefs you choose, and the faith you hold.

All of this can be consciously chosen and intentionally embodied.

It’s within you to change how you see yourself and what’s possible for you.

With a willingness to see yourself and/or a past experience differently, you have all that you need to make these perceptual shifts about yourself.

Shifts can happen quickly when you’re willing to see things differently (which, often, only takes being exposed to another way of seeing).

Things can really speed up when your heart’s desires are bigger than the things that need to be shifted. 

You’ve got this!

And if you desire support, I offer one-on-one coaching to support you. Email me at shannacovey@gmail.com for more information 

Always Shine Brightly,

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