Know Your Worthiness & Calibrate to the Desired Version of Yourself

October 11, 2022

You’re worthy because you are. 

There’s nothing to prove or disprove to “be worthy”.

There’s nothing to gain or achieve to “be worthy”.

There’s no one outside of you who needs to anoint your worthiness. 

There’s simply the CHOICE to claim your own worthiness by DECIDING it’s true for you.

The power to know, realize & recognize a state of worthiness has always been in your own hands. 

You’ve always been worthy, you just haven’t chosen to consciously know this for yourself.

There maybe some forgiveness work that needs to be done to fully claim this for yourself. 

But that work is simply to HELP choose to know your worthiness. 

It’s not a pre-cursor to your worthiness as that is always the case, whether you do the inner work to know it or not. 

Now for a little more nuance to this topic of worthiness…

I recently read a post from Melanie Ann Layer where she talked about learning the difference between being triggered by feeling unworthy of someone, something, an experience, lifestyle, etc. and needing to recalibrate to being someone who has those things, lives that experience, is in those relationships. 

These are two different things.

Being triggered means there’s still some inner work to be done to gain a base level of worthiness, whereas the need to recalibrate is intentionally raising your frequency for what you see possible for yourself.

With the latter, your worthiness is not in question, but, like a thermostat that regulates the temperature of a room, the dial of your frequency needs to be adjusted (recalibrated) to match that which you desire to be, do and/or have.

If you’re bumping up against a situation that reflects some aspect of what you desire but you feel out of place or like you don’t belong or think “this isn’t me” or anything of this nature, this is an indication that you haven’t calibrated to the the version of yourself who comfortably lives in these experiences, interacts with this type of person or group, has these types of things, etc.

The inner work is to observe your thoughts and behaviors in these situations and begin to see through them such that you begin to own the version of yourself who does “run in these circles”, live this type of lifestyle, have these things and experiences, etc.

It’s to calibrate your thoughts, feelings, actions and overall energy to that version of yourself.

This doesn’t always have to be seen through the lens of an elevated lifestyle. It could be for anything…

Maybe you grew up in the city but desire living in the country (or vice versa). 

Maybe you’ve always worked an 8-5 but you desire to run your own business.

You still have to see yourself in the version you desire, especially if it’s very different what you’ve always known, and calibrate visually, energetically and physically (through the actions you take) to that version of yourself.

It’s starts with knowing you’re worthy because you are. There’s so much inner peace in knowing this. It can also end here if you’re living the life you desire.

But if the life you desire requires recalibrating to another version of yourself, that’s your next step.

And because you’re sense of worthiness is locked in, you’re not chasing worthiness through this other version of yourself. You’re simply choosing, from a place of worthiness, to express the version of yourself who best represents the desires of your heart. 

I offer one-on-one coaching sessions and packages to help unpack what may be standing in the way of you knowing your own worthiness and I also support clients in recalibrating to the version of yourself that matches the desires of your heart. Email for more information.

Always Shine Brightly,


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