The Power of Gratitude

November 24, 2020

I love showing up here, sharing my heart and wisdom with you each week, which, of course, wouldn’t be possible if YOU weren’t here to connect with! 

So THANK YOU, for being a part of this journey to collectively awaken into more love and light.

Gratitude should ideally be a theme all year long but I love how Thanksgiving always brings it to the forefront of our minds.

The simple act of practicing gratitude is powerful…

It can help us feel good in an instant since it has the power to shift our energy and attention from what is missing or wrong in our lives to focusing on what is already good and right in our lives.

The things that are already good and right in our lives are always overlooked when we’re focusing on what’s missing.

But by simply shifting our focus to to what is already good and right in our lives, we instantly shift our vibration from feeling a sense of lack to feeling a sense of inner and outer overflow.

Our “problems” go from feeling magnified in our awareness to being greatly minimized.

They move from feeling overwhelming to manageable, or maybe even no longer present in our awareness.

Feeling grateful is also the best place to manifest new desires from.

Think about it…

If you move into your manifestation practice without putting yourself in a state of overflow through practicing gratitude, you risk trying to manifest something new from a state of lack. 

And that can’t work since the energy of lack is actually what is being manifested.

But by remembering what is already present and good in your life, you place yourself in a vibrational state of overflow, which carries the energy of adding to itself through the manifestation of the new desire.

There are so many ways to practice gratitude…

Some recommend a gratitude journal where you make a daily list of what you’re grateful for. If you’re into manifestation, you can list your desires on the opposite page. This way you ensure you’re coming from a state of overflow when you begin to list and focus on your desires.

Others recommend listing three things you’re grateful for before going to sleep and upon awaking.

If you already have a habit of going over affirmations that support your manifestation practice, I recommend getting in state of gratitude before going over your affirmations or visualizing your desires in manifest form.

Find what works for you! 

The most important thing is to begin creating and maintaining a habit of practicing gratitude!

Again, I’m so thankful for sharing in this journey with you!

See you next week with *drum roll!!*, the second half of Season 2 of the podcast!!

I have some exciting guests and I can’t wait for you to meet and hear their respective stories!

Always Shine Brightly,


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