Death & Rebirth

April 7, 2012
Love + Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

In honor of Easter Sunday, I felt inspired to do a blog on death and rebirth…the two continuums on our journey to reaching a state of peace, love, and joy (shifting out of ego and into spirit).  Each time we fall prey to ego, it is necessary to metaphysically die to that illusion in order to awaken in spirit (truth).  Ego leads us to a state of suffering on some level, whether it is through fear, unworthiness, anger, or feeling discontent.  Spirit, on the other hand, leads us out of all suffering and places us in a state of contentment (peace, love, and joy).  Our ability to experience the comfort and peace that spirit provides is based in our ability to consistently dispel the illusions (suffering) that ego produces.   Ego’s only goal is to keep us from knowing truth (that we are meant to live in a state of peace, love, and joy).  I have come to see that the way to move from suffering (illusion) to peace (truth) is through Humility and Forgiveness (of self and others).

Using humility and forgiveness to continuously shift out of ego and into spirit …