Welcome to 2024!

January 2, 2024

Happy New Year!

While you’re thinking through your 2023 accomplishments, don’t forget to applaud every moment you chose to be loving towards yourself and others. 

Choosing love is one of the biggest things you can use your life in service of. 

These moments can be big or subtle. All of it matters. 

It’s all adding up, contributing to the rising frequency of Love on the this planet. 

And it feels good to be in the frequency of Love, whether you’re extending it or receiving it! 

It’s all one movement flowing through each of us to the degree we allow it to move through us. 

Consider making “being in the frequency of Love” a cornerstone of your 2024 intentions. 

Allow all other intentions, desires and goals to flow from this frequency.

P.S. I was buzzing in this picture (yet full of love and joy). 

We were walking back to our hotel in Vegas after having a fun time at the Koe Wetzel concert and decided to do an impromptu photoshoot when we saw this fun wall. 

I share this because, even though I’m buzzing, I’m …


Be Willing To Take On New Passions!

December 12, 2023

An interesting thing occurred for me in the last month or so… 

I got into fashion (at least more than I have in the past)!

I’ve always valued looking nice, I just haven’t paid a lot of attention to all the ways looking nice can be (i.e., style).

I lived by the mentality that I have what I like and need and use it until it wears out and, then, replace it with the same thing or something similar, where it’s more of an errand than a creative process of picking something new, lol. 

But this changed about six weeks ago when I decided to go to Las Vegas with some friends during the NFR (National Finals Rodeo) this year – We leave on Thursday!

All the sudden I started putting energy and attention into thinking about potential outfits (NFR fashion is a thing).

I started paying attention to what certain people I follow in the western industry were saying about this year’s NFR fashion and style in general. Then, I looked into styles that peeked my interest (part of which included going on my Mom’s Pinterest account and wrecking …


The Biggest Lie You’ve Been Sold

December 5, 2023
Personal Responsibility

The biggest lie you’ve been sold is that you’re unworthy. 

This single belief is all it takes to enslave humanity under the power of those who have decided they are worthy (but are not of pure intent).

And all it takes to break these chains is to DECIDE you are worthy. 

You always have been. 

You just innocently believed in a lie that said you weren’t because it served a few to propagate this belief. 

Can you imagine how the world changes when “the many” DECIDE in favor of their worthiness?

“The many” are predominantly good hearted people.

Can you imagine what good hearted people who are FREE from the invisible prison of a belief in unworthiness can create and contribute to the world?

Can you imagine the inspiration that would be freed up to flow through so many good hearted conduits?

Can you imagine the Visions that would be empowered to be upheld and walked out?

Can you imagine the unending flow of abundance, creativity, sharing, innovation, etc. that can be unleashed if we as a collective would simply give up beliefs in unworthiness?

There have been a growing …


Worthiness, Mavericks & God

November 14, 2023
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

It’s important to know where you are in your journey of awakening so you understand the struggles, challenges, pitfalls and goals associated with the section the journey you’re experiencing.

You’ll know where you are based on what feels most resonant to you.

Part of my purpose is to continually bring forth a bridge of understanding not only what may be relevant to where you are, but to also show where it’s leading. 

My intention in doing this is twofold:

One, it helps you pinpoint where you are in the journey so you understand the goal of this phase of the path, along with the challenges that come with it. 

It orients you on your soul’s goal while giving you a broader understanding of the bigger picture. 

And secondly, it helps you understand why something that’s relevant to you may not resonate with someone else (and vice versa), which builds understanding through compassionate wisdom. 

It keeps your ego from judging or becoming frustrated with someone who doesn’t get what is currently resonating with you (or challenging you). 

And it keeps your ego from feeling superior if someone is dealing with something you’ve …