Do Not Passively Accept Your Insecurities

October 22, 2016

Our insecurities are not meant to be passively accepted. The experiences that created them are apart of our soul’s agreement for what we came into this life to heal.

Ultimately, we’re meant to know ourselves as psychologically whole, meaning every insecurity in us has been healed.

In this state of wholeness, we can walk into any room, be in a conversation with any person, have someone say anything to us and be unshakable or unflappable.

All because we have healed any trigger that would lead us to think the other person or circumstance has a bearing on our inmost timeless state, a state that we all share as the agent that binds us together in oneness.

Tapping into this state changes how we experience life. No longer are we chasing approval, validation or ways to prove our worth.

Instead, we stand rooted in full awareness of this fundamental worth we all share.

And from this state, all that’s left to do is to pour forth in the exact manner that a given situation calls for. We are fearlessly in service to whatever the moment calls forth.

So do not passively accept your insecurities. Instead, see that they are pointers showing you exactly what needs to be healed so that you can tap into this boundless, rock solid state.

Always Shine Brightly,


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