Embracing Our Challenges

October 20, 2016
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

Our challenges in life are our gifts to help awaken not only ourselves, but the collective. They are not our burdens (as many of us have likely incorrectly concluded). Instead, as perfectly stated by Bentinho Massaro, they serve to create the exact polarity of experience we personally need to crystallize the truth of who we are—magnificently balanced beings of love, light and wisdom.

Begin to see these challenges as whispers from God speaking through our higher-self indicating exactly what we need to investigate and heal within ourselves. Befriend them knowing they’re serving to increase our capacity to extend greater amounts of love and light into the world.

As we do so, we speed up our own awakening and simultaneously contribute to the collective awakening of humanity by creating an energetic path or bridge for others to do the same.

Always Shine Brightly,


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