Maybe the Best Advice is Not To Give Any…
I guess this blog title could sound a little odd coming from someone who shares weekly advice via this blog (and ironic given the fact that I’m giving advice about not giving advice).
However, I think this is some pretty good advice to give. 😉
So I’m gonna share…
Advice implies a specific perspective and if we, as our ego, are invested in this advice as part of our identity, we’ll also invest in whether or not others agree with (or follow) said advice…we also risk assuming that it’s the best advice for the other person.
I know this first hand…
When I first became known in my group of friends for having this unique perspective of understanding how ego works, I was often consulted for my input. It was exciting—they were interested in what I was sharing and seemed to be benefiting from my input.
But, with time, things started to change. I was no longer sought out for advice (or, at least, it was to a lesser degree). This hurt…especially when I realized they were seeking advice elsewhere.
I’d made an identity out of being a “good advice-giver”. …