What is the Core Motivation Behind Your New Year’s Resolutions?
As a recovering goals addict, my resolutions have shifted from a lengthy list of what would make me “my ideal perfect” to one core desired state…consciously knowing and extending myself from wholeness. When this happens, the core motivation behind all that we do is driven from love.
Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve or change our habits…unless they are rooted in a desire to feel loved, worthy, approved, or validated. This is where we have to become mindful of the driving force behind the desire to set and accomplish a particular goal.
Is the goal serving as an extension of love or is the goal seeking love through its accomplishment?
The answer to this question reveals whether or not a particular goal is being driven from ego’s desire to feel secure and whole or if the goal is being set from a place of peace and power that allows us to extend the love that we consciously know ourselves to be.
If the goal is being set from a desire to feel secure and whole (ego), we can use this to direct our inner healing, such that …