My Stance On “Being Woke”
As someone who has been on a path of awakening for a long time, the mainstream idea of being Woke has never made sense to me.
It’s extremely polarizing, which makes it tribal in nature and highly unaccepting of “the other” by being steeped in righteous hate and anger.
Part of the Woke ideology is to no longer “otherize”, yet it’s highly focused on hating the group it’s trying to defeat, which is the very definition of “otherizing.”
It calls for unity but only under its terms.
And if you fall outside these terms, you’re either banned from the tribe or, more likely, were never meant to be apart of the tribe.This is not unity, nor can it ever lead to true unity consciousness.
The Woke movement aggressively pits a group of people against another through righteous anger.
Its source is hate and division, not love and unity.
If you truly desire love and unity, I encourage you to deeply question any “us against them” mentality you’re agreeing to as the dynamics of “us against them” can never lead to unity.
Instead, an “us against them” mentality only serves to foster the crystallization of …