Setting Boundaries w/ Grace, Peace & Power

October 3, 2023
Personal Responsibility

Guys, we need to talk about setting boundaries from a place of power versus a reaction against the pattern we don’t like…

My whole jam is about doing things from a place of spiritual and emotional maturity. 

So when it comes to setting a boundary, it’s import to:

Have compassion for the other person’s unconsciousness (the pattern of behavior you’re unwilling to allow in your space), but be firm in setting a boundary against this unconscious pattern being dumped on you.

A compassionate stance allows you to accept where they are in their journey (the unconscious expression of a dysfunctional pattern) while simultaneously saying it’s not allowed in your personal space. 

You’re not trying to change their behavior, but you are saying it’s not allowed in your personal space. 

This is energetically different from attacking them for the behavior in an attempt to get them to change it. 

The act of attack comes from your own unconsciousness, whereas compassionate understanding of their behavior comes from a more conscious place.

You still get to set a boundary against allowing the behavior in your personal space, but it’s done from a place …