Manifestation Best Practices

February 8, 2022

It’s easy to keep thinking of ourselves as we’ve always been. 

As that’s our default for where we’re accustomed to manifesting our lives from. 

The work occurs when we decide we want something different than our current reality contains. 

This is where we must intentionally and consistently see ourselves and our situation in accordance with the new reality we desire to create. 

It requires discipline and effort. I know this sounds burdensome but the effort you put into initially shifting your energy will pay you dividends in the future.

It requires continuing even when things look the same, while trusting things are re-arranging in favor of where you desire to go.There’s a time lag between the reality that has created your current circumstances and the one you’re currently working to create. Faith is needed to fully move through this hump.

It requires seeing as we imagine things to be versus using our current reality for clues as to what is or isn’t possible.This is probably where most people (myself included) go wrong. We start off very excited. Take action. And then we look for signs or clues to comfort us in believing things …