Follow Your Own Inner Resonance

August 11, 2016

The only true wisdom we have access to is our own inner resonance. – Bentinho Massaro

Always, always, always listen to it ABOVE ALL ELSE (and, of course, act on it)!

Always Shine Brightly,


Let Inspiration Express Itself Through You

August 9, 2016

Believe that God / The Universe / Love etc. wants to work through you. And why wouldn’t it…you’re the perfect candidate to express inspiration through. Let this be the belief that overwhelms and crushes all self-doubt.

To believe otherwise is to tell the exact force that wants to flow and express through you: ‘You must have me mixed up with someone else, I’m not worthy of ____.’

And when you really think about it, that’s the most arrogant thing we could think, believe and say to the One who knows what’s best for us.

Trust in (and act on) the inspiration that flows to you. Of course there will be bumps along the way. That’s all part of the perfect plan tailored to your growth and expression. So just jump in and let the learning and fun begin!

Always Shine Brightly,


There’s Power In Vulnerability

August 4, 2016

The most interesting thing about feeling vulnerable is that as soon as you own it, you move from being afraid of others seeing your vulnerabilities to stepping into an energy that says ‘This is me. Take it or leave it, but whatever you decide, I’m okay with it because I’m more than okay with who I am.’

And from my experience, when I see someone do this, they become an immediate badass in my eyes leading me to love them even more!

Here’s to creating a habit of owning our vulnerabilities so that they can no longer own us!

Always Shine Brightly,


We’re Here To Expand

July 25, 2016

When you know yourself to be a good hearted person, you can trust your desires, knowing they are a safe internal guidance system. – Amanda Frances

This seems like a no brainer, yet it’s one of the things that tripped me up last year.

My intention is to act from an undistorted energy of love and the litmus test I use to determine this is whether or not I’m at peace with or without the thing I desire.

Since the bigger things I desired were not coming into fruition I made being at peace without them my goal.

I created a black and white scenario where I was either clear of creating out of a distorted energy or I wasn’t. And if I wasn’t 100% certain I was clear of the need to feel fulfilled by the desire, I shouldn’t create. Because if I did, that meant I was agreeing to play with fire (i.e., ego). I thought this was the smart move.

Fortunately, this was brought to light through Bentinho Massaro’s teachings where he states that ‘one of the most arrogant things we can do is to be afraid …