Navigating Divine Timing

October 1, 2012
Divine Timing + Inspiration

How do we navigate divine timing such that we align with it?  Is it simply a perspective of framing?  For instance, if I believe that where I am at any given time is a function of divine timing, am I always aligned with it or do I simply believe that I am aligned with it?  For me, it’s a function of listening and responding.  I believe we have to get still, whether through prayer or mediation, so that there is a space for that guidance to be revealed to us.  If we simply operate under the belief that wherever we are is a part of divine timing but never stop to listen for guidance, I think we can miss aligning with our unique path.  Though, if we believe we are aligned with divine timing, we’ll never feel the frustration of feeling that we missed our unique path…with that said, I guess there’s no harm in living life under that assumption!

I’m the type of person who is prone to over thinking things (hence the circular logic described above!).  I’m not free spirited enough to feel that wherever I am is …