You Have The Power To Impact Future Generations

March 11, 2025
Personal Responsibility

We are the future.

How we carry ourselves today models how future generations carry themselves.

Repeat the patterns of the past – without questioning them – and that’s what we’re teaching others to do.

When we’re immersed inside mass consciousness (the norm we see everywhere), we’re subjected to it.

Bound to follow it on the unconscious impulse of modeling and recreating what we see all around us.

Our reactions to others, to life, to our thoughts, about ourself feel normal…

because it’s how everyone else is behaving.

And so we recreate the patterns of our parents, friends, society, etc. 

I stepped outside of this years ago.

I often forget what it’s like to be completely immersed in mass consciousness.

I forget that so many still haven’t been shown another choice…

…another way of being…

…another way to see themselves…

…to carry themselves…

…to interact with others…

another way to know both inner peace and personal power.

I forget how often people misconstrue power for force.

Force in aggressively attacking someone when they think their power has taken a hit.

True power can’t take a hit.

The sense of feeling like something took a hit means you weren’t in your power when it occurred.

I also forget how often people forget that they have power. 

In this forgetting, they unconsciously shrink when dominance enters the room.

But something in them knows power is available, they just don’t know how to reach for it and tap into it.

So they resent the person or circumstance that appears to have taken their power.

They hold this in and let it fester.

Until it builds to the point of erupting.

And the person they erupted on looks at them like they have two heads! Likely reacting with their own eruption!

In recognizing this gap in understanding how to operate from both peace and power, I created two guides – each designed to address opposite sides of the same coin. 

One supports people who tend to lose their power through people pleasing. 

And the other supports people who tend to react more aggressively when their expectations aren’t met. 

Both of which are out of alignment with personal power and inner peace.

These guides are pure gold. 

They take you through the exact process I’ve been using for years to refine my personal power, emotional intelligence and spiritual maturity any time something seemingly takes me out from feeling centered in peace and power.  

You can learn more about each guides HERE.

I also have one-on-one sessions and packages available that enable me to support you in more tailored capacity. 

In these sessions, we can work through and develop a plan for tackling exactly what you’re having trouble maintaining your peace and power around. Reply to this email to inquire about this option. 

To changing what future generations most naturally calibrate to by modeling personal power and peace in every scenario we navigate through in life!

Always Shine Brightly,


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