My Greatest Grace

February 25, 2025
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

My standards for interacting with others are so embedded in me that I’ve never really had to set boundaries to clear myself from relationships that aren’t good for me. 

I just naturally move away from them before they can develop.

You don’t have to manage boundaries when your standards are where you desire them to be.

When you have solid, embodied standards your world easily reflects this.

In my general expression, I’m gentle, loving, open, joyful, fun and free in my expression.

There’s no “hardness” in embodying standards that keep me from having to constantly manage boundaries.

But the boundary is firmly there.

It’s embedded in my energy without me having to give attention to it.

This is what allows me to be soft, loving, gentle, open and free in my expression.

There’s no chasing the validation that causes us to “want” to be liked, to belong, to be loved.

I don’t chase these things. I don’t alter my general expression for these things. 

But I have these things because I gave them to myself first.

And in doing so, I attracted friends who did the same for themselves. 

I attracted healthy dynamics by innately having a healthy dynamic with myself.

I never chased popularity. I never resented it either.

I never clung to wanting to be seen by someone who didn’t see me.

I found “my people” and loved “my people” without ever wanting “my people” to be a different set of people.

And this naturally developed lifelong friendships from an early stage in life where I added more people like this along the way.

It has truly been a beautiful thing.

It’s one of my greatest graces, gifts and joys in this life.

But it’s because I was an energetic match for this to occur.

Too often we’re a match for unhealthy dynamics because we’re working with a less than solid relationship with ourself.

There are many reasons for this.

And I have compassion for every reason and circumstance that leads to these less than ideal dynamics in relationships.

All of this can change if your desire it to change.

It starts with understanding what’s creating the unhealthy dynamic with yourself.

And, then, opening up new choices and ways of seeing and valuing yourself that create new ways of being.

All of which changes what you’re an energetic match for.

You’re available for the relationship with yourself you desire.

You’re available for the dynamics in every relationship you have to be what you desire (or to make peace with how it is and release all negativity around it).

It gets to be really good.

And it starts with strengthening your relationship with yourself.

I can help with this.

I have two guides designed to help you raise your standards around how you see yourself/your value, how you carry yourself and how you interact with others. 

They’re tools designed to help you understand where your current standards are so you can decide if and how you desire to intentionally raise them. 

They’re packed with insights meant to raise your level of awareness regarding your own nature and that of others. 

Each guide covers a similar foundation, regarding how our inner nature works, but from two different angles. 

One supports people who tend to lose their power (wobbly relationship with self) through people pleasing

And the other supports people who tend to react more aggressively when their expectations aren’t met (also a wobbly relationship with self). 

Both guides support you in increasing and refining your personal power, inner peace, emotional intelligence and spiritual maturity. 

They are pure gold. 

You can learn more about each guide HERE.  

We’re living in an auspicious time where this type of inner work is the work of our lives…work that directly impacts generations to come (and those are already here with us). 

To using and enjoying our lives in the highest way possible!
Always Shine Brightly,

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