My Heart Exploded With Joy!

October 8, 2024

My apologies for letting a few weeks go by without making an appearance in your inbox! 

But I’m back with a fun manifestation story that I experienced a few weeks ago…

Over the past few months I’ve become obsessed with following Instagram accounts that focus on vintage and antique home decor. 

I fell into this hole in a super weird way, but I’m there and I’m loving it, lol! 

(The IG hole went from DIY “thrift to style” videos to furniture restoration to woman sourcing and selling antiques and vintage home decor)!

Somewhere along the way, I came across something that immediately had my heart exploding with joy…

…a vintage brass sleeping bunny that sits on a shelf or on a stack of books. So cute, adorable and whimsical (especially in a reel set to the perfect music, lol!)!

The first one I came across was when I was deep diving into someone’s account and saw an old post where they put one up for auction with a “buy it now” option.

It sold at BIN for $350! I was definitely shocked at the price.

What I learned from reading the comments is that these bunnies were made in the 90s but, since they weren’t that popular, production stopped. But now there’s been a resurgence in popularity due to them going viral on Tik Toc,

So as we know, low supply and high demand equals a big price tag!

They popped up a few more times in my awareness (my heart exploding with joy every time!) all selling for about that amount.

I checked eBay, same thing with only about six listed when I checked (higher on Etsy!). 

I let go of the sticker shock and very intentionally opened up to how one could come into my life, whether it was stumbling up on one in “the wild” or setting myself up to pay the going rate for a mint condition bunny.

Too often we let the idea that it’s too expensive keep us from even opening up to things we desire. I didn’t do that. 

I very distinctly remember sitting at the coffee shop closing my eyes and opening myself up to all the ways one of these bunnies could come to me.

I set an alert on Facebook Marketplace in case one showed up there (and the person didn’t know what they had).

Then, I decided to position myself to purchase one at the going rate by “flipping my way to it”. 

I’d already started going to estate sales and buying things that I could resell on Facebook Marketplace or eBay. I simply dedicated an envelope to “my bunny”, where profits from flips went into the envelope.

It was fun and exciting to see the amount grow and feel myself getting closer to the bunny.

I vetted the ones on eBay and began watching one in particular that appeared in mint condition. It was $398. And when I added in tax and shipping it closer to $440. I set my mind on that goal and started flipping things consistently.

It wasn’t long before I had $345 in my envelope and I thought to myself, in another week, I’ll have what I need to make my purchase. 

There were 9 watchers on this eBay listing, but I wasn’t worried. For some reason, I just felt this bunny was mine. Not by gripping or grasping, but just from this very relaxed, trusting place. 

I was working my way to it calmly.

Then, one Sunday when I was listing things on Facebook, I received an eBay notification saying the seller just sent out an offer for $120!

I was shocked and kind of stunned from taking action for a split second. Then, I hurriedly opened up the listing to ensure it was the one I had vetted and in quickly confirming that it was, I hit “purchase”!

And then my transaction go stuck “processing”. 

I was like “Dang it, one of the other watchers must have beaten me to it since I took time to verify it was the one I had vetted”.

I checked my email, but I didn’t have an order confirmation. I took a deep breath and just released it knowing I was still positioning myself to get one at the going rate.

Meanwhile, my mom looked it up on eBay and it was showing as “sold”.

At that point, I went ahead and refreshed my “still processing” screen knowing it either went through or it didn’t.

I, then, went back and checked my email and saw my order confirmation!!!!

I was beyond excited; not just for the receiving the bunny but for the magic of it’s unfolding!

I felt like it was a truly special miracle that I’d opened myself up to (which I had!)!I wanted to share this as a reminder to keep yourself open to all the ways something can unfold in your favor… 

To not balk at a price (if it’s something that truly lights you up) and immediately close yourself off from possibility, but, instead to accept the price and open up to how you can position yourself to receive it either at that price or through some other miraculous unfolding.

Simply stay open. 


Now I know this could be considered a frivolous story in light of what many are facing from Hurricane Helene. 

I thought about holding off on sharing it today because of that. But this story is about openness, feeling led, miracles, abundance and the shifting of resources…all things that can serve those who have been affected by Hurricane Helene.

The shifting of resources occurred through every “flip” and especially when the seller decided to drastically lower the price. I don’t know their reasons for doing that. But it opened up an opportunity for me to make a move and to feel a miracle through that opportunity.

We can do the same by helping where we feel led…

Here are a few ways that I’ve felt led to help as well as a list of organizations that I’ve seen shared on social media.

Here’s an Amazon Wishlist of items needed support people in the mountains of North Carolina that will be flown directly in to those who need it by Open Airdrop, a Texas based non-profit that mobilizes general aviation assets in the aftermath of a disaster. 

Your money goes directly to the items from the list you choose to purchase. Let’s help
“shift resources” by filling this plane!

Here’s a screenshot of the note from their Amazon Wish List.

I also chose to support All Hands and Hearts in their effort to help those affected by the flooding in North Carolina.

From their website:

All Hands and Hearts has deployed teams across Florida and North Carolina to address the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene. They are actively working to assess damage, remove debris and clear hazardous trees to restore safety and access. Despite challenges, such as power outages and lack of cell service limiting access in some regions, All Hands and Hearts is actively coordinating with local partners. As conditions improve, we are prepared to expand efforts to reach remote, heavily impacted areas to provide further disaster relief and recovery support.

All Hands and Hearts is launching a 12-month response to Hurricane Helene. We need your help to raise $2 million to support the long-term recovery of these devastated communities.

Finally, here’s a screenshot a friend shared on Facebook with a list of organizations that may appeal to you.

May you feel inspired to create a miracle moment for others by “shifting resources’.

Always Shine Brightly,

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