Manifestation Best Practices
It’s easy to keep thinking of ourselves as we’ve always been.
As that’s our default for where we’re accustomed to manifesting our lives from.
The work occurs when we decide we want something different than our current reality contains.
This is where we must intentionally and consistently see ourselves and our situation in accordance with the new reality we desire to create.
It requires discipline and effort.
I know this sounds burdensome but the effort you put into initially shifting your energy will pay you dividends in the future.
It requires continuing even when things look the same, while trusting things are re-arranging in favor of where you desire to go.
There’s a time lag between the reality that has created your current circumstances and the one you’re currently working to create. Faith is needed to fully move through this hump.
It requires seeing as we imagine things to be versus using our current reality for clues as to what is or isn’t possible.
This is probably where most people (myself included) go wrong. We start off very excited. Take action. And then we look for signs or clues to comfort us in believing things are unfolding in our favor.
The fact that we’re looking for these confirmations already indicates doubt is at play since we’re not in FULL TRUST that things are unfolding in our favor. We start to confirm our doubt (instead of holding our faith) and prematurely conclude things aren’t working out.
When our job is to stay in faith by ignoring or pasting our own preference onto whatever is occurring by staying in the imagined reality we’re intending to create.
It requires expanding our energy in the moments it wants to contract in doubt.
Doubt is simply an indication of unaddressed lack. This is the moment we need to address and clear whatever thoughts, beliefs and ideas are popping up. It’s not the moment to believe the thoughts that are coming up.
It requires that we keep going.
We tend to quit when we conclude our doubt, disbelief and/or unworthiness is right, but if we hold tight to the belief that these thoughts are simply arising as unaddressed lack, we always have something to work with and shift in order to create what we desire.
Remember, lack can always be addressed as it is NOT an ultimate truth about who we are.
It requires we truly desire what we say we desire.
Often the hiccups in our journey that occur (through unaddressed lack) are simply opportunities for us to double down on what we say we desire. It’s to meet the lack head on by addressing and clearing it and, in doing so, we return to a pristine, clear relationship with our desire.
Our desire must also truly be felt and believed in to give God/The Universe something to work with. If it’s not truly felt or believed in, God/The Universe only has our lack of want and/or our lack of belief to work with and those are the results we’ll create.
It requires backing ourself with belief and confidence and backing God/The Universe with faith.
This is what creates an aligned and pristine relationship with our desires. The more aligned and pristine this relationship is, the more God/The Universe has to work with; otherwise the results are being filtered through lack based thoughts and beliefs.
It requires seeing, thinking and acting from the version of ourself who is living the new reality.
This is where we must see ourselves in a new way. We must elevate our default way of seeing ourself and interacting with the world to one that matches who we are in this new, lived reality. This is what vibrationally aligns us to the reality we say we desire.
Once our lack is addressed and cleared, this may be one of the most important steps in creating our desired reality.
When we consistently do these things our current reality begins to shape shift into the desired one.
So don’t get frustrated when things do not appear to change immediately.
And be honest with yourself regarding the amount of discipline & effort you’ve dedicated to creating the new reality before drawing a conclusion that it simply isn’t possible for you.
Most often we draw a conclusion based on our unaddressed lack and assume it to be the fact of our reality and it’s (limited) possibilities.
But all lack can be addressed.
And in addressing lack, our reality becomes much more malleable in accordance with our desires.
Imagination is further activated and more possibilities are seen.
It really comes down to our own ability to consistently apply ourselves to this process.
Remember, anything yields to practice.
So if you’ve been on a journey for awhile without the results you desire or if you’ve abandoned an old journey concluding it wasn’t meant to be, I encourage you to reconsider your desire (so long as it’s a true desire) with a renewed effort regarding creating a pristine relationship with it…
…by addressing the lack that’s likely at play in your energetic dynamics…
…and consistently applying yourself to this necessary process of assuming the energy of the version of yourself who already has what you desire.
I offer coaching and training on supporting you in this process as well as developing and believing in a miracle-minded mindset based in possibility, confidence, worthiness and faith.
My intention is to help you design and create a life you love by clearing all that stands in your way.
What’s in your heart is there for a reason. God didn’t place these desires in you to serve as a carrot you never quite reach.
He placed them there as apart of your blueprint or intention for living the life you came here to live.
But you/we have to do our part by stepping into the version of ourself who has the confidence, clarity, faith, worthiness and wherewithal to live that reality.
I offer one-on-one coaching sessions ($150 per session) and group manifestation trainings to support you in your journey ($47.50 per person).
The group trainings can be organized in person with you and a group of your friends who are also interested in this information (using Zoom is an option as well) or you can join a Zoom session I organize for anyone to join.
Email me at if interested.
Always Shine Brightly,
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