Finding Your Purpose

September 13, 2016

Sometimes finding your purpose can feel like pursuing an elusive savior.

At least that’s how it felt for me when I began my search.

It felt like the missing piece to feeling totally alive and engaged in life…the key to happiness.

Purposeful people preached this like it was the easiest thing to discover. Which only made it that much more frustrating to not know.

The biggest thing I did that I think a lot of others don’t do is I began to engage with my curiosity.

I didn’t try to just think my way into knowing my purpose. Instead, I started to pursue things that interested me even if they were outside of my comfort zone.

I took my first extended trip out of the country…I went to Costa Rica for two months, where I lived with local families and took Spanish lessons.

I had no idea if that had something to do with my overall purpose, but it was an interest that I engaged in.

That led to future trips to Guatemala where I ultimately lived for a year volunteering as a teacher in an indigenous community, one of the absolute best years of my life!

So much so, that I thought I may have landed on my ultimate purpose.

But with more time, I came see that it was my purpose for that season of my life.

Then I wrote a book.

And started a blog.

And did a little speaking.

All around a completely different subject.

Because something else sparked my interest and grabbed my attention.

And right now, in this season of my life, this feels like the most purposeful thing I can be doing.

Maybe it’ll last the rest of my life, maybe I’ll take another left turn.

Who knows.

The point is to engage in your curiosities so that you can begin to unravel the deep desires of your heart.

If you really don’t have an understanding of these desires, you can’t think your way to these knowings.

You have to engage.

From here, you can begin to sift through your curiosities to find and build on the ones that most resonate.

Remember, there’s no blueprint other than the resonance of your own heart. Which makes it that much more exciting to find out what your own unique combination of interests and curiosities are going to reveal as the deep desires of your own heart.

Always Shine Brightly,


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