Embodying Higher Standards For Yourself

February 18, 2025
Personal Responsibility

My standards have always been high when it comes to interacting with others. 

I’ve never wanted to intentionally hurt someone with my words. I, of course, have unintentionally hurt people. And I’ve taken responsibility for it (which is key).

I’ve never been a catty person. Just not my vibe. Never has been. Never will be. And I don’t do snark. 

I’ve never allowed an on going relationship to develop with people who have a low degree of consciousness, regarding how they speak to me, themselves, others, or about life in general. 

Of course I’ve brushed up against this in meeting friends of friends or people in general, but nothing occurs that allows for this to become a close person in my life. 

My relationships do not have drama in them. 

There’s never been an on going loop of drama that repeats itself. It just doesn’t happen. 

If someone gets hurt, we talk about it to get clarity on what occurred and why it occurred. 

We resolve it. 

Or, if I notice myself getting my feelings hurt, I look at what’s going on inside me to perceive getting hurt. 

And I take responsibility for any misperception on my part that led to feeling hurt. 

This doesn’t require talking to the other person about it. They’re “let off the hook” because they never should have been “on the hook”. There’s no residual resentment. 

Doing this requires an understanding of how consciousness (our inner nature) works. 

Both of these options are possible because none of my close friends have a desire to hurt each other. We respect each other and genuinely care about how we impact one another. 

This is what enables us to talk about things and it’s what enables me to resolve my misperceptions without ever having to talk to them…I know their intentions are good which leads me to notice any misperceptions I’m unconsciously holding. 

This has been the case my entire life when it comes to my close personal relationships. 

This standard is so embedded in me that I’ve never really had to set boundaries to clear myself from things that aren’t good for me. 

I just naturally move away from them before anything can develop. 

You don’t have to set boundaries when your standards are where you desire them to be. 

When you have solid, embodied standards, your world is a reflection of this. 

Just as it’s a reflection of a lack of standards when you lack them (when they haven’t been defined or when you don’t truly embody what you say your standards are). 

Standards can apply to any area of your life. 

However, I suggest prioritizing defining standards around how you see and value yourself as well as how you interact with others and master living from embodying these standards. 

Then, all other life standards can flow more easily (less dramatically!). 

Even though this has naturally been the case for me my entire life, learning to understand and take responsibility for my misperceptions is something I’ve deeply developed in my journey of understanding how our unconscious, reactive nature works (i.e., ego). 

Understanding this part of our nature is how we become more conscious. 

It frees us from looping drama because we finally begin to understand the roots of what is causing the drama. 

It’s frees us to make new choices. 

It frees us to set (and embody) new standards. 

All which disentangles you from the perceptions and patterns that are currently keeping you from easily stepping into the version of yourself who embodies standards that work for you and your peace. 

I have two guides available to support you in this process. 

These guides help you raise your standards around how you see yourself/your value, how you carry yourself and how you interact with others. 

They’re tools designed to help you understand where your current standards are so you can decide if and how you desire to intentionally raise them. 

They’re packed with insights meant to raise your level of awareness regarding your own nature and that of others so you can more clearly define where you desire your standards for interacting with others to be. 

Each guide covers a similar foundation, regarding how our inner nature works, but from two different angles. 

One supports people who tend to lose their power (undefined standards) through people pleasing

And the other supports people who tend to react more aggressively when their expectations aren’t met

In this ladder scenario, you have undefined standards around interacting with others from a place of peace and power. 

Instead, you’re in an unconscious pattern of reacting from feeling your power has taken a hit and you’re aggressively trying to reclaim it (instead of operating from never having lost your power). I show you how to change this in this guide.

Both guides support you in increasing your personal power, inner peace, emotional intelligence and spiritual maturity, all of which helps you to create healthier relationships with yourself and others.. 

They are pure gold. 

You can learn more about each guide Here.

If you’d like to work with me in a more tailored capacity, I also have one on one coaching available. Reply to this email to inquire further.

To raising our standards around how we see ourselves (our value) as well as how we interact with others!

To strengthening our relationship with ourself so all other relationships and interactions flow from this raised standard!

Always Shine Brightly,


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