Peace Is Always Available

July 23, 2024
Personal Responsibility

There’s always a way to know peace. 

It may not seem like it when you’re gripped by frustration.

But there is a way, even in those moments, to know peace. 

It does requires understanding how perception and consciousness work. 

This understanding is what creates self-awareness – the key to changing how we experience any situation. 

Typically what happens when we don’t understand our power to change how we experience a situation is…

…we experience an unmet expectation (something doesn’t go our way or someone doesn’t do what we would have had them do, etc.) and we react from immediately feeling frustrated and disappointed.

There’s no space between the expectation we’re holding and it not being met. So we react from being offended by the unmet expectation.

This compounds when the other person reacts against our frustration. Then, in an instant, we’re in an ego headlock, unwilling to give an inch on either side. 

When we believe our peace hinges on our expectations being met, we create new, fear-based patterns of controlling and micromanaging situations in order to ensure our expectations are met (and our peace is achieved).

But how is this peaceful when you’re now in a state of anticipating unmet expectations while trying to control against that happening? 

Controlling and micromanaging may get you your desire result, but at what cost… 

Exhausting yourself from trying to mitigate your fear of not having your expectations met? 

Creating relationship dynamics with others where you’re constantly nagging them to do what you need them to do or reacting to them not doing what you needed them to do?

How is this peaceful or desirable?

There’s a better way… 

One that doesn’t lead with frustration and disappointment. 

One that doesn’t lead with invisible expectations and then react against them not being met.

One that leads with respect, trust and a willingness to create the dynamic you desire.

One based in peace, instead of frustration and disappointment. 

In The Guide To Managing Unmet Expectations, I show you where the option for peace is in moments where you want to react against unmet expectations, as well as how to create relationship dynamics that work towards a desirable outcome (agreed upon expectations), instead of living in patterns of your expectations not being met and continually being frustrated when this occurs.

This guide is going to bring light to unconscious patterns that aren’t serving your peace or your relationships with others, especially those you’re closest with, the ones you truly desire to have the most optimal relationships with. 

It’s going to serve as a manual to understanding your own patterns so you can choose more optimal ones.

It doesn’t matter where you are in you journey, this guide was designed to help you take the most relevant and resonant next step. 

If you’re just beginning your journey, there’s a step forward for you.

If you’re a seasoned traveler on this journey of rising in self-awareness, there’s another step forward for you. 

All that matters is that you’re open, willing and ready to move forward in more conscious ways for yourself.

You can check out both of my digital guides here.

Always Shine Brightly,


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