We Care Because It Matters
In my world, we care about how we show in life, for ourself and the people we interact with…
We care about how we emotionally conduct ourself…
We care about taking responsibility for how we show up…
We care about becoming aware of and understanding our unconscious patters so we can bring them to light to be transformed…
We care about no longer being run by our reactive nature (ego/unconsciousness)…
We care about creating interpersonal dynamics that work better for us and those we interact with…
We care about rising above the patterns that don’t serve us…
We care about our own peace…
We care about developing our personal power by becoming more emotionally intelligent…
We care about our inner growth, our emotional and spiritual maturity and our overall well-being…
We care how about our energetic impact with those we interact with…
We care about being better than we were.
We care because it matters.
Our peace matters.
How we impact others matters.
Because of this, we’re willing to objectively look at our reactive nature.
We’re willing willing to notice, take responsibility for and transform patterns and reactions that don’t serve us.
We’re willing to understand our own nature by investing in ourself…
…through time, energy, attention and resources that serve us in this process.
For me personally, that has looked like diving deep into A Course in Miracles in 2011 where I received a deep understanding of how ego works (it gave me an outline of ego’s major patterns, how particular ones were operating in me and I deepened in an end goal of being more loving, wise and at peace).
It’s also looked like spending an immense amount of personal one-on-one time with an advanced soul who embodied these teachings.
And it’s looked like staying committed to this understanding for over 13 years by applying this awareness to my life daily.
I’ve created both of my digital guides (and A Call to the Heart) from this deeper awareness of how ego works and the practical application I use in my own life to see through its patterns and continue in the journey of rising in conscious awareness.
Having an understanding of how these unconscious patterns work is important, because, without it, you don’t see an alternative choice for yourself.
I provide both the awareness and a set of alternative choices for you to choose from in each of my digital guides.
Both guides seamlessly lead you through this process of looking (becoming aware) and choosing new ways of seeing and being that better support your inner peace and personal power.
The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power gets to the roots of why we people please and takes us on a journey of reclaiming the personal power we outsourced to others through these unconscious fears.
My most current guide, Managing Unmet Expectations, helps us understand why we react poorly to unmet expectations (disappointment/frustration), what can be done about our reaction as well as how to move forward with our expectations without controlling or micromanaging others.
The Guide To Managing Unmet Expectations is currently $22 but will incrementally increase in price over the coming weeks, ultimately landing at $44.
I’ve also temporarily reduced the price of The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power to $33 (it’s normally $44).
To caring about how you show up, the impact you have on others and doing what it takes to move yourself along this most important journey of rising in conscious awareness.
Always Shine Brightly,
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