Comparison & It’s Downfall To Our Wellbeing!
Reminder: Comparison is the thief of joy.
We’ve all heard this but I feel like it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison without even realizing it.
Ego is set up to unconsciously look for what it doesn’t have and, then, complain about it and feel bad for itself for not having it.
It’s set up to think “all would be well if I had x, y and z”.
Then, it sees someone who has those things and it gets jealous.
Or it sets itself on a course to get z, y and z with the full expectation that it will finally feel satisfied once that occurs. All while missing the good that’s currently occurring in your life.
Ego compares itself based on what it has or doesn’t have, how far it’s come or hasn’t come, what it’s accomplished or hasn’t accomplished…
It compares itself based on where it lines up in the hierarchy of whatever it values (what it’s chasing, accumulating, creating, striving for, etc.).
This happens across all activities including a desire to spiritually awaken.
In this case, ego compares itself to someone who’s further down the path of awakening (feeling inferior to …