The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power
Reminder that the price of The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power is going up Friday, March 1st, at Midnight.
It’s currently$33 and will be going to $44.
You can purchase a copy HERE.
Before having the tools and understanding I share in this guide, I felt at a loss for what to do when I was around someone who didn’t freely give me the space to say No to a request without them taking it personally.
For the most part, all of the major relationships in my life freely gave me this space.
I didn’t even realize I had the space until I found myself in a new situation where saying No caused the other person to take it personally.
They got upset, which didn’t feel good.
In fact, it felt confrontational, which, for me, was scary and uncomfortable.
Keeping the peace felt like keeping them from getting upset by meeting their expectations, instead expressing how I truly felt.
This maintained an outer peace, but my inner world was anything but peaceful.
I was frustrated, seething inside.
I resented feeling trapped in this situation and blamed them for putting me in this position.
I gritted my teeth to get through it and reclaimed my peace with space (and venting about it).
But that wasn’t a true reclamation of peace.
It was a victim’s reaction to an unconscious pattern that was running in me.
The tools I share in this guide showed me how to take responsibility for my role in creating an experience steeped in emotional turmoil.
Before knowing how and what to take responsibility for, the only thing I knew to do was to blame outwardly.
There was no other visible solution until I learned how to understand the difference between a victim’s perception and that of an empowered person.
We are all capable of understanding this difference in perception; we just haven’t been taught how to do it.
Once I learned how to recognize this difference in perception, everything changed for me.
I no longer blamed outwardly because I understood my role in the dynamic, as well as how to handle it from an empowered perspective.
You won’t catch me in a sustained dynamic of blaming someone else for how I feel.
I may temporarily get caught in its, but I always come back to the tools I share in this guide to return to a state of peace and power.
I use the process I share in this guide for anything that creates dissonance in my emotional experience; this guide just happens to focus on scenarios related to people pleasing.
I’ve been doing this ever since I learned how to see the difference between these two perspectives 14 years ago when I read A Course in Miracles.
This is the first time I’ve broken down my personal process (something I can do in an instant these days) for understanding a dynamic that temporarily pulls me into victimhood/unconsciousness and bring myself back to a state of peace and power.
I break it all out so that no prior understanding is needed to begin applying it.
And I include enough nuance such that someone who is well into a journey of self-awareness is still able to gain valuable insight. (I don’t mess around when it comes to truly understanding unconscious patterns. I’m in it for the end game understanding).
One of my gifts is offering a “bridge of understanding” so that wherever you find yourself in your journey of personal development or self-awareness, there’s a point on this bridge for you to plug into and move from wherever you are.
You don’t have to be at the beginning of your journey to benefit from this process, but you could be and you’d still be able to benefit from this guide.
There’s an access point for a range of people with a set of solutions that progressively stair step you towards taking more and more responsibility for your inner peace and personal power.
You choose the solutions that feels best, right and relevant for where you are. And you have the next option in sight so you can choose it once it feels relevant.
This allows a range of people to benefit from the tools in this guide and equips you for the long haul.
If you feel called to learn more about this process, it would be an honor to serve you through this guide.
Again, it’s currently $33 and it’s going up to $44 Friday at midnight.
This is “coaching in a box” for a fantastic price!
Snag a copy HERE.
Always Shine Brightly,

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