The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power
I’m so proud and excited to announce and share that my very first digital guide is now available for purchase!
Presenting: The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Personal Power

If you’re someone who feels like you can’t ever say No…
…where you feel overlooked, taken advantage of, slighted, not seen, under-appreciated and not valued,because you feel obligated to say Yes when you really desire to say No.
You agree to commitments, but rather than feeling like you’re coming from your heart, you feel committed out of a sense of obligation, which feels frustrating.
You resent being asked, but can’t find the courage to say No.
In fact, saying No, never feels like an option because doing so would be letting others down and disappointing someone else feels harder than just sucking it up and saying Yes.
You think to yourself, next time I’m going to say No, but when it comes down to it, you can’t risk the other person thinking ill of you…
…nor can you leave them with the burden of having to take care of whatever is being asked of you…
So you agree once again, but not without feeling bitter about constantly being asked to do things like this.
Or maybe you can’t risk losing the appreciation they send your way for always being the one who says Yes.
The affirmation feels too good to let go, but not good enough to resolve the resentment you feel for continually feeling obligated to say Yes.
Internally, you’re simmering with frustration, bitterness and resentment.
Maybe it comes out in passive aggressive ways, but usually those moments are just lost on the other person as to why you’re upset.
You don’t want to be passive aggressive, nor do you want to feel an obligation to say Yes, but you don’t know what to do instead.
You feel powerless to change the situation so you keep on trucking along (as not to rock the boat), but it simply doesn’t feel good.
Your resentment is mounting with each request you feel an obligation to oblige.
You want to explode but know you can’t, because that would create confrontation (which is scary and uncomfortable)…
…and it risks not being thought of as helpful, kind and caring (also scary and uncomfortable).
You’re at a loss for how to change this dynamic, but you desire to feel more peace inside yourself.
You’re over where things are and are ready to make a change, for the better.
Well I have just the thing for you!
I created a 32 page digital guide to help you understand the root cause of your frustration, anger, resentment and bitterness and offer you solutions for addressing these feelings so you claim the peace and personal power you desire.
The People Pleaser’s Guide To Reclaiming Your Personal Power is available for purchase HERE.
Can you imagine confidently, powerfully and peacefully agreeing to what you desire to agree to and just as easily saying NO to the things you want to say NO to?
Can you imagine creating relationship dynamics where you feel like you have space to say NO without the other person taking it personally or feeling guilty for saying NO?
Can you imagine how much more smoothly your life run if you simply said what you needed to say, when you need to say it…all without contracting?
Can you imagine no longer seething over agreeing to things you don’t want to agree to because you feel the power to express how you truly feel about it?
My goal with this guide is to empower you to live in alignment with your heart, which is very different from the “guilt of what a good hearted person should do”.
No more guilt.
No more manipulation from doing what a “nice” person does.
No more shrinking from speaking up about your true desires.
No more worrying about what people will think of you for saying No.
Just effortlessly tuning into your heart and following what you truly desire to say Yes or No to.
In the guide, I take you through a process of uncovering the underlying dynamics that have been causing you to feel like you couldn’t say no in order to begin seeing how the power has been in your hands the entire time…this power was just temporarily hidden from you.
This process is designed to break up deep unconsciousness in such a way that it becomes easily recognizable and transformed, once the patterns are understood.
This is some of my most powerful work put in one place (that’s also easily digestible).
To reclaiming your personal power around people pleasing when it doesn’t serve you!
Get your copy HERE!
Always Shine Brightly,
P. S. Even if you’re not the one in the relationship who finds it difficult to say No, this is for you if you have a partner who finds it difficult to say No.
If you’re interested in creating a partnership with equal power, this guide will help you understand why they find it difficult to say No and how you can help them feel more powerful in being able to do so.
It’s easy to take advantage of someone who never says No and it’s easy to overlook how they feel inside (because they bottle it up and repress it), but if you want to create a strong relationship of equal power, understanding them through this guide is going to help you co-create a stronger relationship.
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