Know Your North Star

May 9, 2023
Personal Responsibility

When you know what you value and desire to calibrate towards in life, you have a north star guiding and directing you no matter what appears or occurs in your path.

You’re anchored in purpose and direction, no matter what life meets you with.

What you value (and desire to calibrate towards) becomes your driving force in responding to life.

It informs your decisions, your role in relationships, how you handle and navigate life’s situations and circumstances, as well as what you desire to attract and consciously co-create in your life. 

It gives you a framework from which to process the things that occur in your life and a blueprint for how you desire to “be” and express in life. 

To do this, you have to DECIDE what it is in life you desire to calibrate towards.

By knowing what matters to YOU.

And then build your life around these things and through the expression of these values.

Calibrating to LOVE and the general fruits of the spirit matters to me.

For me, LOVE isn’t a fluffy, “oh, isn’t that so sweet” thing.

It’s the work of clearing EVERYTHING that obstructs its path.

It’s the willingness to recognize my reactive nature AND take responsibility for it.

It’s the willingness to address and clean up the negative residue any of my actions may have left with another (or myself).

By reactive nature, I mean EVERY motive and unconscious impulse that stems from things NOT based in love…that I can see.

It’s to bring light to my unconscious nature so I can be made aware of it…and then handle it so I’m no longer run by it.

It’s the willingness to forgive myself and others for all the times I act or react from a place that isn’t based in LOVE.

It’s the willingness to extend grace to myself and others for each and every instance of this nature.

It’s the willingness to forgive myself every time I judge myself for being out of alignment with this intention.

When I say I desire to CALIBRATE TO LOVE, I mean it in the highest order.

I declare, dedicate, then, redeclare and rededicate my life to doing this process over and over again until the moment comes when all that’s left is a clear path for LOVE to flow without interval.

It’s my north star; my guiding force and overarching value I desire to calibrate towards.

Have you defined your personal north star?

If not, I recommend journaling on the qualities (ways of being or general values) that mean the most to you. 

These don’t have to be things that are currently “in reach”. 

You can stretch yourself to calibrate towards qualities that inspire you.

This is setting you up to begin embodying these qualities. 

It’s giving you a standard to live into.

In choosing what you value and desire to embody, you begin to bring light to where and what needs to be shifted.   

This is how you consciously shape who you desire to be, how you desire to express yourself and what you desire to align with in your life. 

If you don’t take the time to do this, you’re often living life as an unconscious reaction to what life presents. 

For me, life is about consciously aligning with and calibrating to love. 

Knowing this informs how I desire to respond to life.

It shows me where and how I’m out of alignment and then I know what needs to be looked at and shifted. 

And I begin again. 

Until this becomes a natural and effortless state without interval.

And because of my desire to intentionally calibrate towards love, I hit the mark more often than I would, had I not consciously chosen to focus on it.

This is how you intentionally shine brighter through the qualities and values that mean the most to you. 

It’s you leaving your beautiful mark on the world by shining through your own essence.

Always Shine Brightly, 


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