The Power of a Shift in Perspective
I just want to remind you I’m here to help you should you need it.
I’m specifically here to offer perspectives that shift any suffering you may be experiencing.
Now suffering might feel like too strong of a word, so I’m using it to refer to any range of experiences that are keeping you from feeling good about yourself and generally joyful and at peace in life.
Perspective can shift so much in an instant.
And really, a spiritual awakening is nothing more than a progressive shift in perspective that continuously aligns you with more and more peace, love, joy, compassion, etc.
But we often get stuck in a narrow perspective that keeps us trapped in a cycle of thoughts and beliefs that do not serve us.
We stay in these narrow perspectives because we don’t know an alternative one. This is where I come in as a coach. I offer wiser, more loving perspectives tailored to whatever you may be experiencing.
Of course, there may be “work” involved in integrating the perspective, but, sometimes, the perspective in and of itself is enough.
Regardless, through our time together, we move in …