Let’s Work Together!

June 7, 2022

We often have belief systems that don’t support us in following our heart’s desires which makes following our heart feel scary or even impossible.

This often keeps us stuck in our current circumstances.

It keeps us in a state of following the path we think we should instead of the true path we desire.

It keeps us in a state of dreaming about what could be instead of living that version of our desires.

But what if there was a way to see the world that DOES support you in believing in and following your heart’s desires?

What if there was as way to help you change how you interact with your experience that supports you in designing your life around your heart’s desires?

How you see the world (your belief system) and how you interact in the world (the energy that backs your actions) can all be consciously chosen such that it supports the way you desire to see and interact in the world.

I’m here to help you develop and adopt a belief system and a way of energetically interacting with the world that supports you in designing your life around your heart’s desires.

I’m here to help you identify and release beliefs that do not serve you and adopt new ones that do serve you.

I’m here to help you shift your stories around why things can’t or haven’t worked for you to much more supportive beliefs around what’s possible for you. 

I’m here to help you embody the energy of these beliefs so your actions are backed by this new way of seeing. 

It’s within you to change how you see yourself and what’s possible for you.

It’s within you to create a new, more aligned path…one that supports the unfolding of your heart’s desires. 

I’m here to help you exercise your power to do this by supporting you in stepping into a deep belief in yourself and your capacity to walk out the desires of your heart.

I’m currently accepting one-on-one clients where, together, we look at what is keeping you from believing in and embodying the version of yourself who is living a life designed around your heart’s desires in order to move into a more aligned way of seeing and being.

What I know is you are innately worthy of the desires of your heart. These desires have been placed in you because they are meant for you to live out their unfolding.

And I know you’re capable of being the version of yourself who lives a life aligned with your good hearted desires.

The work we do together looks at what’s currently standing in the way of you fully believing these things.

With a willingness to see yourself and/or a past experience differently, you have all that you need to make these perceptual shifts about yourself.

Shifts can happen quickly when you’re willing to see things differently.

It often simply takes being exposed to another way of seeing.

Things can really speed up when your heart’s desires are bigger than the things that need to be shifted. 

If you feel called to work with me, it would be an honor to serve you in this process.

I offer a one-on-one coaching package of 4 one hour sessions for $600.

The intention is to meet once a week but you have 6 weeks to use all 4 sessions. 

To speak further, email me at shannacovey@gmail.com.

Always Shine Brightly,


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