Your Desires Matter, A Lot

February 15, 2022

A powerful place to manifest from (or pursue your desires from) is one that could care less about what is or isn’t happening in your circumstances.

Because this “dispassionate view” knows whatever is happening in your current circumstances is simply a reflection of an old energy you were living life from.

And choosing a new point of energy to come from means something totally new is being created (so long as you no longer believe in the power of your old reality having an impact on the one you’re now creating).

You are not bound to come from the same point of energy when it comes to designing and living your life.

It may feel that way because you’ve come from the same point of energy for most of your life (which has set up invisible parameters that you’ve unconsciously agreed to).

But the choice to come from a new point of energy is always available.

Choosing to come from a new point of energy, intention, will and focus is what intentionally designing your life is about.

It’s about seeing that you have choices and then picking the one that aligns with your desires.

It’s about knowing you can challenge the invisible parameters you’ve unconsciously agreed to in order to more fully align with the desires of your heart.

But, first, let’s get that we have choice over how we live, design and create our lives.

Just because it’s always looked a certain way, within certain parameters, DOESN’T mean it has to continue to look that way.

Unless, of course, you want it to (but then you probably aren’t interested in learning about aligning with your desires through the principles of manifestation!).

Challenging the invisible parameters you’ve unconsciously agreed to is the next step in creating a clean, pristine relationship with your desires.

It’s addressing lack as we’ve previously discussed (I also offer one-on-one coaching to help with this and we work on re-framing these thoughts in my group manifestation training).

It’s also opening our mind to what more is possible for us, since we often unconsciously assume what is possible for us based on what we’ve seen first hand in our life with our parents, our (current) socio-economic demographic, what we’ve been told about ourselves individually and collectively by society.

These things are often unconsciously dripped in lack, limitation and constraint.

It’s an odd thing that’s been unconsciously passed down from generation to generation as apart of humanity’s collective agreement towards limitation.

But, as you may sense, be feeling or have noticed, we’re in a very special time in humanity’s journey.

We’re consciously shifting (this shift has been building for last 50 plus years and it’s swiftly hitting a tipping point) from lack and scarcity to wholeness and abundance.

We’re moving into a new era, where wholeness and abundance will reign.

You are on the cutting edge of this shift and are playing your part in helping bring it to fruition by choosing to align with your heart’s desires in a way that requires you to clear all lack and scarcity from your belief system.

So not only do you get to create your life in alignment with your desires, you’re also doing a HUGE SERVICE for humanity. 

I share this as an extra boost to both taking on this assignment (aligning with your desires is your special assignment for your life’s purpose/intention) and being disciplined and consistent in your effort.

It matters not only to your personal wellbeing, but to our collective wellbeing.

So don’t think of pursuing your desires as a selfish endeavor (women tend to do this).

How could it be when it has the potential to make such a HUGE impact on your own life and the life of others?

Don’t discount your desires.

They were placed in your heart for a reason. They were never meant to be put on the back burner.

Don’t believe in the invisible parameters that have guided your life up until this point in time.

It’s part of the unconscious agreement towards lack, limitation and restraint that’s being shifted person-by-person as each of us DECIDES to do our individual part…

…by simply choosing to align with the desires of our heart.

I offer one-on-one coaching sessions to help you get clear on your desires and address the invisible parameters that are standing in your way ($150 per session).

I also offer group manifestation trainings teaching the mechanics of manifestation so you’re set up with an understanding of how this process works and how it can be directly applied to the desires of your heart ($47.50 per person). 

The group trainings can be organized in person with you and a group of your friends who are also interested in this information (using Zoom is an option as well)…

Or you can join a Zoom session I organize for anyone to join. I’m currently planning one for the end of this month, tentatively scheduled for Sunday February 27th at 4pm.

Let me know if you’re interested in joining this training and I’ll get you registered. If you can’t attend the session live, a recording will be made available.

Email me at if interested in registering for the training on the 27th, booking a group training with your own group and/or booking a one-on-one coaching session with me.

Remember, your desires matter.

Always Shine Brightly,


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