Responding to Life from Peace (instead of Frustration)

June 30, 2015
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

More important than placing our hope in a positive outcome (which is still good, just not the ultimate goal) is the capacity to accept what happens in life from a place of peace. It’s the ability to enter life from such an expansive state that no matter what happens, our peace is neither dependent on nor disturbed by what happens.

This is a much more powerful inner state than simply relying on positive thinking to bring about an outcome that makes us feel happy or peaceful. The difference being positive thinking is still relying on an external outcome to establish peace, while an inner state of acceptance means we’re already at peace, regardless of what happens.

The more expansive state of peace and acceptance will always carry a higher vibration than one that clings to needing an outcome to be a certain way to feel happy…

This is because the latter is still carrying a low level fear that says “if you don’t focus your thoughts in this positive manner, something ‘bad’ might happen”. The something “bad” is always defined by ego based on what it feels will threaten it’s …