The Benefits to Unveiling Ego

May 13, 2014
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

In your willingness to unveil ego, you open yourself to the necessary inner healing that allows you to show up from a place of peace, instead of from a place of seeking peace.

The process of seeking (the act of “doing” to “get”) is rooted in ego…

All of ego’s energy lives in this process…even the spiritual seekers attempts at moving towards the divine. I share this not to overwhelm those who are already committed seekers on the path, but to show the full vastness of ego.

It is only those who can see this process of seeking in its entirety that have the capacity to drop ego in an instant. For most of us, our process is a much slower journey to this full realization. And that’s okay…we’ll still get there in the end.

Understanding where and how you’re seeking to gain something is a great way to frame your spiritual endeavor. The easiest place to start is with the external chase for happiness:

Where are you looking to add something to your stature to increase your perceived self-worth? If your motivation is to add to your stature, it’s always of ego since the truth of who you are (spirit) is already whole and complete, regardless of what you accomplish. And the act of adding is a form of seeking.

Are you looking to prove yourself to gain the respect of others? If your motivation is to prove, it’s always of ego since the truth of who you are (spirit) has nothing to prove. And the act of proving is a form of seeking.

Are you looking to escape boredom through worldly pleasures? There’s nothing wrong with partaking in worldly pleasures, but when escape is the motivation, this is a clear indication that you’re not at one with the movement of life.

Escape is a form of seeking excitement, whereas boredom is a refusal to accept and give your full attention to the activity at hand. Both the refusal to accept and the desire to escape split you off from the pure flow of life and put you in an energy of seeking.

When you’re at one with the movement of life, you engage in worldly pleasures simply because it’s a part of the flow of life…not because it’s an escape from boredom.

Personal confession: I’m definitely not outside of attempting to escape boredom. I have major resistance when it comes to doing things that I deem “boring” or that I’m not passionate about. But I can see the flaws in it, which is why I’m committed to healing this part of my nature.

Ego embeds itself in the process of seeking or “doing” in order to keep itself alive in our awareness. As we discover one form of seeking, ego shape shifts into another form of seeking…that’s how it has a tendency to embed itself in our journey as a spiritual seeker.

The goal of our spiritual endeavor to is to move from a pattern of energy that seeks to “do” to one that extends of out “being”.

The idea is not to become inactive; it’s to no longer act out of ego. When ego is no longer in the driver’s seat, we merge with the flow of life (instead of living one degree removed from the flow of life, which is the perception that ego creates in our awareness).

Through this merging, we’re able to give our full attention to whatever we’re doing. In no longer having a portion of our energy consumed in a desire to attain or prove (which tends to bring emotions of worry, self-doubt and stress), we’re able to bring more excellence to whatever it is that we’re working on.

Moving from a state of seeking to a state of extending out of “being”, changes the dynamics of how we engage in life. When our actions are divorced from the perceived needs of the personal self (ego), they carry a much deeper power in them…a power them stems from our divine self.

Make a commitment to begin noticing where you’re acting on a desire to seek (attain, gain, prove, etc.) and start to observe the nature of that desire. Does it feel kind or does it feel a little more aggressive when you really explore it? Does it feel loving or does it feel more fear-based, like you might lose something if you let the desire go?

Take some time to sit with your observations. Really feel them out. Then decide if you still agree with them. If they no longer feel right to you, consider dropping the impulse to follow these desires and open to a new way of engaging in life…one that merges with the flow of life.

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To merging with the flow of life,


P.S. Are you struggling with a personal situation that is clouding you from being able to see the choice for inner peace? One-on-one coaching sessions are the perfect opportunity to leverage my understanding of the sneaky ways that ego blocks us from seeing this choice. Peace is meant to be our norm; not frustration or its not-so-friendly cousins: guilt, resentment, unhappiness, anger, etc. If you’re interested in working together, click the graphic below to book your session:


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