Resourcefulness, An Attitude of Possibility!

December 17, 2012

Resourcefulness is a mindset of empowerment versus victimhood.  When we encounter something that must be resolved, we can either respond with frustration (victimhood) or creative problem-solving (empowerment).  Getting mad, angry, and frustrated feels good in the moment, but it does nothing to help us reach a solution.  Plus, getting mad, angry, and frustrated usually leads to wanting to draw others into our emotional state, which is not very fair to them—you know the desire to call your best friend and b*tch about what just happened!  I know I’m not alone in that. =)

Sure, it feels good to complain to someone about the frustration that we are feeling, but that’s just fueling our identification with feeling victimized.  Plus, we just end up sounding like babies—Why did this happen to me???  Nothing ever goes my way!  Ugh!—Whaa, whaa, whaa!, on and on we go.  Note:  I can’t spell sounds, but I’m sure you get my drift that it’s supposed to be a cry baby sound. =)

Identifying with being a victim is the opposite of where this journey is meant to be leading us.  This journey is not about succumbing to …