Letting Go of the Need To Be Liked

March 12, 2024
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

There’s a difference between wanting to be liked and needing to be liked. 

You can want to be liked without altering who you are. 

But when you need to be liked you’re at risk of altering who you are and how you behave in order to be liked. 

When you want to be liked without altering who you are, you can let go of not being liked and continue as you are. 

It’s so important to be aware of the difference. 

I encourage you to observe yourself as you interact with others, whether it’s existing relationships or being around new people, in new situations and circumstances.

Do you feel yourself adjusting to meet the standards of another or are you comfortably holding yourself in who you know yourself to be, regardless of another’s reaction or opinion of you?

These can be micro movements in ourself or patterns that are unconsciously running us.

Become adept at uncovering the unconscious patterns and more vigilant at noticing the micro movements in yourself that subtly adjust to what will gain you the validation (applause, belonging, being thought of in a flattering way, someone not being mad or upset with you, etc.).

We have a strong need …