Choosing To Be a Light in the Midst of Negativity

June 23, 2015
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

Part of being on the higher path is learning to stay in a state of expansiveness (i.e., trust, love, peace, perfect forgiveness, etc.), no matter what the situation is. When we learn to do this, we’re able to bring light to any situation, whether it’s through our words, actions or our mere silence.

Prior to mastering this, we typically allow situations to dictate how we feel about them. When we do this, we become victims to our circumstances. We give away all of our inner power in our unconscious claim that the external world has pull over how we should feel and react.

A recent interaction with a negative person showed me that I was falling prey to this in my interaction with them. Instead of being a light by using my inner power to create harmony in my experience (and possibly theirs), I was adding to the negativity by inwardly reacting to their negativity.

Instead of creating peace in my inner experience, I was creating conflict by judging their negativity. And on top of that, I was contracting (shrinking) as a way of avoiding a direct backlash of their …