Setting Boundaries From Peace & Power (vs ego)

April 9, 2024
Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

Setting a boundary from your ego is not the same as doing so from a place of peace and power. 

It’s an emotional reaction against the other person…a way to assert ego’s power as opposed to coming from your innate power of knowing your wholeness, worth, value, etc. 

It often lacks compassion or respect for the other. And can be a justification for being b*itchy or a jerk. 

It’s often a protection mechanism to ensure you’re not taken advantage of by showing who’s boss. 

It comes from control, force and dominance, instead of true power. 

In boundary setting education there’s something taught about not being responsible for the other person’s reaction to your boundary. 

This is true WHEN you come from peace and power as opposed to an emotional reaction against the other person. 

There’s a responsibility on your part to come from peace and power (a non-emotionally charged state) before you can release how the boundary lands with the other person (the other person’s reaction to the boundary). 

When you come from your ego, you’re responsible for the negative residue you leave with another (when you’re on a path of emotional and spiritual maturity).

Boundary …