You are loved and lovable…YOU ARE LOVE itself!
Whether you’ve had bad things happen to you or not, you are loved and lovable…YOU ARE LOVE itself.
Whether life has turned out the way you wanted or crappy things have happened along the way, do not judge your worth by what has or hasn’t occurred…YOU ARE WORTHY AND DESERVING BECAUSE YOU ARE.
External things (good or bad / positive or negative) have no bearing on your innate worth.
A case could be made that it’s easier to know love when you come from a loving environment.
A case could be made that it’s easier to believe in your worth when you have not been subject to thoughts, ideas and beliefs that try to diminish your worth.
However, another case could be made that those born into the above circumstances may only know a limited love/safety/worthiness…one that temporarily sustains itself so long as the feedback loops aren’t challenged.
The circumstances and challenges that occur in our lives are an opportunity to know ourself beyond them.
It’s an opportunity to see that a particular feedback loop need not be there to know the deepest state of love (i.e. your own safety, security and worthiness).