We Care Because It Matters
In my world, we care about how we show in life, for ourself and the people we interact with…
We care about how we emotionally conduct ourself…
We care about taking responsibility for how we show up…
We care about becoming aware of and understanding our unconscious patters so we can bring them to light to be transformed…
We care about no longer being run by our reactive nature (ego/unconsciousness)…
We care about creating interpersonal dynamics that work better for us and those we interact with…
We care about rising above the patterns that don’t serve us…
We care about our own peace…
We care about developing our personal power by becoming more emotionally intelligent…
We care about our inner growth, our emotional and spiritual maturity and our overall well-being…
We care how about our energetic impact with those we interact with…
We care about being better than we were.
We care because it matters.
Our peace matters.
How we impact others matters.
Because of this, we’re willing to objectively look at our reactive nature.
We’re willing willing to notice, take responsibility for and transform patterns and reactions that don’t …