Believe In Yourself

September 22, 2020

The biggest asset you need to design your life around your heart’s desires is quite simply to believe in yourself…

…by believing in your power to create…

…by believing in your own resourcefulness (things can be learned/you’ll be guided)…

…and by believing you’re deserving of the things you desire (no matter where you’re from, what others have told you or what you have or haven’t done in the past).

Your belief is what moves you in alignment with (or away from) your desires.

People who believe they can have “it”, go for it.

People who don’t believe they can have “it”, don’t go for it.

People who believe life is working with them no matter what they see or don’t see happening, keep believing things are working in their favor…so they tend to see results that match this belief.

People who come from this perspective don’t get taken out when obstacles show up.

Whereas people who believe life is working against them get taken out much more easily (and either never begin or give up when obstacles occur).

You have to DECIDE where you desire to come from in your …


When Discipline Is No Longer Needed

July 28, 2020

We often think discipline is a key ingredient to high performance, consistency, getting things done, etc. 

But if we look closely, we see that discipline is only needed when we have competing desires or priorities.If we’re wholly committed to one particular desire, discipline becomes unnecessary because there is nothing else competing for our energy and attention. The key, then, is to understand our truest desire. This could be a desire that guides large portions of our life such as a purpose or mission or it could be the truest desire that arises on a moment-to-moment basis.

If you’re a parent with a purpose that extends beyond (yet includes) parenthood, you’re truest desire in one moment could be working on an aspect of a mission that falls outside of parenthood, but the moment your child shows up while you’re in the midst of working on something, your desire could immediately shift to being the prime focus of your child’s attention.If you’re clear in each moment, there’s no competing desire.

You simply move in accordance with the true desire that wants to come through you. And you show up un-conflicted, ready to give …


Do Not Passively Accept Your Insecurities

October 22, 2016

Our insecurities are not meant to be passively accepted. The experiences that created them are apart of our soul’s agreement for what we came into this life to heal.

Ultimately, we’re meant to know ourselves as psychologically whole, meaning every insecurity in us has been healed.

In this state of wholeness, we can walk into any room, be in a conversation with any person, have someone say anything to us and be unshakable or unflappable.

All because we have healed any trigger that would lead us to think the other person or circumstance has a bearing on our inmost timeless state, a state that we all share as the agent that binds us together in oneness.

Tapping into this state changes how we experience life. No longer are we chasing approval, validation or ways to prove our worth.

Instead, we stand rooted in full awareness of this fundamental worth we all share.

And from this state, all that’s left to do is to pour forth in the exact manner that a given situation calls for. We are fearlessly in service to whatever the moment calls forth.

So do not passively …


Let Your Soul Lead The Way

October 12, 2016

I’ve concluded that I used to focus on ego too much.

So I’ve changed my approach.

Instead of being on the hunt for all the ways ego can rear its ugly head, I choose to focus on all the ways that my soul wants to expand.

While holding the knowing that I can deal with any ego effect that arises.

I believe it’s a better way to focus our energy and attention.

Since, as the saying goes, ‘what you focus on expands’.

Looking back, I can see that I was so hyper-focused on how ego works that it was as if I was this mini me standing in the cave of myself shining a flashlight on all the ways ego was (and could) show up.

It’s important to notice how it is showing up but it’s not always constructive to look for how it could show up.

That tends to be looking for more than is necessary for us to be dealing with at that particular juncture in our journey.

I was focusing on both because I knew resolving all aspects of it is a primary goal in our spiritual …